Reviews & Conversations
Kayla and J.R. are by no means experts when it comes to coffee tasting in a snooty way. They simply love coffee and share, in these reviews, an Average Joe perspective. With a side of conversation and laughter.

Reviews By Brand
We understand that sometimes you just come here to look for a specific coffee review. We get it! Sometimes, too much of us it too much of us. Select the button below to see an alphabetical list of the coffee companies and their respective roasts that we’ve reviewed.

Original Art Coffee Mugs
Kayla and J.R. also enjoy creating art. And now you can drink from, or gift to someone else, a coffee mug or tumbler with an original creation by one of them. If you want to know who created what, just ask!
I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.” ― (tea isn’t coffee, but we’ll call it close enough)
Fyodor Dostoevsky