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Amazon Fresh Go For The Bold & Grind it Out Episode 3: Homeschool Vs Public School


Coffee Consumed During Convo

Coffee: AmazonFresh Go For The Bold

Roast: Dark

What we thought: Check out the full review here.

Grind It Out

My wife and I are concerned about where things are going in public education, yet a large percentage of our taxes are allocated towards it so we hate to abandon it and wonder whether we can help improve it or if we should just see it as a lost cause. As Christians, we have specific concerns about the rapid advancement of teachings that are, frankly, anti-Christian, and things such as critical race theory. Living on the road, you home school your children, correct? We are considering it for our 9 y.o. daughter (our only child) but it seems overwhelming as we have never done it before. Can you talk about this? What are the pros and cons, how it’s manageable, and if there are negative effects to children (especially for an “only child”) as far as lack of socialization? Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Thank you!

Where To Buy The Coffee

You can purchase the same coffee we were drinking on the video at this link:

This coffee was purchased ground and we took 4 heaping tablespoons and put it in our Bodum French Press. We poured 205 degree water into the French press, and then brewed for 4 minutes. Then we pressed it and enjoyed it immediately. Kayla adds half and half, and J drinks it black.