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Biggby Coffee’s Biggby Best Coffee Review

[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] I know hey everybody welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews today’s coffee is a live review or pre-recorded if you’re watching this part you’re probably watching it pre-recorded and cuz no one’s in here right now yeah today’s coffee is a big deal it’s right yeah it’s Biggby coffee vig gby it’s Big B best best blend says it’s our smoothest and mellowest blend some big beat coffee we got this one at HomeGoods yeah so again interesting and I still find it interesting that we can find all these weird like coffees at HomeGoods but then we really don’t find them other places other than I’m good it’s like I don’t know where else you can find Biggby coffee outside of you know Michigan yeah well I think they are in other states well is it a caleb was just reading up albums yeah is it just a roaster or do they have locations they have locations like their franchise or franchise or yeah franchise works so you can actually like start your own Biggby coffee store and so it’s you know it’s like a copy shop but then they also did the roasted coffee that you can buy in the store but I don’t know where else you can buy this other than Rhodes or something like that like is it in grocery stores yeah maybe people in Michigan if there’s anybody out there can tell us yeah have it actually I think they’re in Illinois as well just based on what I saw forget things I read it and then I forget but yeah so this is a 12 ounce bag that we cat for $4.99 so that’s pretty cheap I mean at 6 something six fifties that bag I don’t sorry a pound yeah it’s not bad no not cheap not cheap cheap but not bad it’s not Easter and we’re not birds no but but yeah so it’s called I thought it was called I love my baby but apparently I love my baby interests something that they say it’s big be best which is which is the front and which is the back I think this is it the front yeah that’s right thank you best yeah did you say about it talks about it’s their mellowest balloon yeah Mel I said that no is this supposed to be 100% pure awesome and Friends so now it just says drink drink it drink coffee it’s a little windy hopefully you can’t hear the wind or the effects of the wind going through the microphone of the time so this copy every time I drink it the first time cuz we’ve almost fell back which shows that we probably have enjoyed it actually because we’ve had we’ve got a lot of different copies that we’re drinking right now and so it’s always like ooh which one do I want something so this one this one of the ones that keeps winning out but it seems like every time the first few sips of this coffee I don’t really like it it’s kind of like it’s kind of beanie tasting to me but then I start to really enjoy it like I get into them like wow this is good as frosty yes good and it is smooth it’s easy to drink I think see what she’s yeah so since I said I’d seen bags with coffee and frosty day Mac some goods always wondering if there were any goods it’s not freshness so I think if like you I know like I know a lot of people are kind of really not concerned I’m inside there worried but I have yet to really think of it as being stale tasting or anything we’ve tried a lot of different copies that we have notice that like Starbucks especially you’ll find a lot of those at those places and the the best by date will be like really good really close or you know or even sometimes past and they we’ve seen it but we still have not noticed I pasted it a you know and I actually started checking the dates on those it was like I don’t know eight months ago that somebody mentioned something about dates and I was like there’s dates on coffee yeah yeah so I’ve been checking them in the ones that we’ve found at HomeGoods and TJ Maxx and and the like have actually been in date or I wouldn’t or I don’t buy it [Music] but like know we do know Pete’s man it’s like fresh fresh I mean you know like they have them they I think they actually do they roasted on and then Best Buy and it’s like a very short window that they give you whereas other copy that we’ve that we’ve seen is like far out in the future I mean like the folders I want to say it I mean it like okay it’s like a year or two from now so you know I I don’t know that it makes that big of a difference although that would be a neat video to do like try to find some old like at HomeGoods and then go find the fresh system you can find at the store and then do a blind taste test and see but so far I haven’t noticed enough to be yeah maybe I should just buy a bag of something and then hold on to it for like it’s a good idea to a year after it’s expiration date so in a year from now and then well we’ll have to find something sorry I didn’t mean to I don’t know how to do this okay there we go the screen all right feed up for barks they all says have you guys ever used a French press I just converted over from a drip coffee maker to the French press I see look I pressing the thing just look and I’ll never use anything ever again okay so when we were first married we used French press doesn’t you when well in our first year of marriage no travel mug but we got no we actually had a baby at the time many before we have said that was before he had kids but no we had one kid because we had really gotten into coffee like sort of well I don’t know it in our mind we were like we don’t condone ‘it’s original yeah i don’t even think we like we were we had a kid and and we were finally at that stage where we were kind of kind of in a groove and so we had heard a lot of good things about a French press so we got one we even got a grinder and we started grinding I think eight o’clock coffee I think that’s one and we did love it like as far as we really really liked the taste and the freshness and just in general meaning but then we had a second kid and then a third kid and then at that point we’re like just drip coffee I mean we we went back to drinking drip shortly thereafter just because the the having to clean out that filter all the time it’s just kind of knowing it was just I preferred to just grab the you know the filter and throw it away but the process is easier with an automatic drip you just put a filter in there scoop the coffee and you’re done right yeah yeah I’m yeah just the ending trying to get the coffee grinds like out of the filter but don’t let it go down the drain it was just like this big hassle yeah so ultimately I felt like the hassle was not worth the slight increase in flavor that I felt like I could taste now wait one thing we do want to do here on this show is try out some experiments like blind taste test here was this roast that was freshly ground and we made it in a French press versus you know this stuff that we made in a trip you know or you know all different kinds of stuff but so far we haven’t really done that so cuz we don’t have a plane stress right but the other day we killed the battery in our RV not the engine battery but the battery that runs some of the systems when you don’t have the generator on or you’re not plugged in and the way that I made the coffee then was we had the automatic drip machine and I just boiled water over on the stove and I boiled it and then I let it stop boiling so I knew it was probably closer to the range and then I just poured it out of the pot into the grounds and that actually worked great I thought it tasted really good and I wondered like it could just be a psychological thing it seemed like it made it taste better but I don’t know I mean I was I think I was just really thankful to have coffee at that point yeah because we were trying something new we were like well let’s see how long we can use the battery for oh yeah that’s very long yeah but so this coffee is mellow yeah yeah I don’t think the more that I’m drinking it the more that I the more than I’m really liking it I think it’s just the first few sips for whatever reason just it takes me a bit to to get into the cup but then once I’m in I like it yeah it’s I think it is easy to drink smooth and all of that yeah okay that’s a good point does it require electricity so you had we’ve been prepared with a French press we wouldn’t it wouldn’t have even been an issue in doing oh just bring out the French press honey it’ll be fine but we have thought about that too before we bought the RV we thought hey well we could even if we had no power or anything we could boil water over a fire and use the French press to make coffee you always have yeah we haven’t had to do that yet but we will as we said we’ll get a French press and some comparisons so cheap hey what kind do you have do you like do you know the brand and is there any specific feature that you really like I mean I think they’re pretty much all kind of the same I think but if you have if you want to share yeah I’m trying to remember having to do it we had to like take apart all the different things and like it was like like a broad just read it through and then you put the filter another thing yeah yeah yeah so yes spqr reborn we did go see Mount Rushmore yesterday I didn’t see that yeah second part of the question yeah and yeah factor in nature coffee yeah so yeah we saw Mount Rushmore and we saw Crazy Horse and we went this Hill City so those were three things and I’m exhausted today yeah but no it was very cool like I’m very glad that we went to see those streets but all three of those like I don’t regret any of it it was super neat to see Mount Rushmore what a lesson in just doing something bigger than yourself both both of the Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore the artist who who started the project didn’t live to see their completion right or at least the can’t think of his name right now the guy that did Mount Rushmore anyway yeah anyway the point is he died before the dedication so I think he pretty much saw the photo yeah but anyway he was he lived just almost to the dedication so I think he probably almost saw it completely finished but then this other guy who did Crazy Horse he was going up this ladder seven hundred seven steps and and like his air compressor kept stopping so you have to go all the way back down started back up go all the way back up work for a little bit I mean just never tired and he died way before a lot of progress was made and even now like in the past 20 years not much progress is then it looks that way anyway I mean it could just be that not a lot of noticeable product progress has been made I think they have been working on it but it was just a neat lesson and a good one for our kids like we were we were really glad that we did it so but yeah it’s super cool so light right now we’re in South Dakota what’s it Hermosa Arisa South Dakota isn’t that Spanish for a beautiful beautiful beautiful Hermosa I don’t know anybody out there no Spanish Hermosa I think wakes with it know what is what his sister Serena I don’t know gosh we don’t know we don’t know Spanish TV TV TV I can never say that use the French press and a hand grinder Oh a hand grinder Wow what is this the medieval times yeah those are cool that can I I’ve drawn them before and they’re they’re a neat thing to draw but and I’d love to look at them I’ve never tried using one but I do like like old old technology you know like that kind of thing I do I do like that so I think that’s cool that you’ve got a hand guys I applaud hard work but I don’t even like to eat chicken wings because I don’t want to work additionally for my food I work hard enough to make the money to buy the food I don’t want to have to like you know get in there although I do I do like chicken wings they taste really good uh-huh let’s see so I bought a bodom can you 34 ounces for all mine okay 417 it’s a it’s a metal filter so you don’t need to buy the paper yeah okay so yeah so Bodom and that’s a good friend reasoning did we I think so I’m pretty sure it was the botom yeah it was an opinion that was not part of the name I don’t remember it was on the lid on the cap the name on it I was kind of in a like days baby like after I had my first child this was just like it was a fog until right about now yesterday yeah till yesterday yeah it’s the original french fries okay so that’s probably yes you probably and it would have been from Walmart yeah definitely but yeah I remember that time fun it felt like you were doing something special for your coffee for one thing and I imagine with hand grinding oh yeah and more yeah then you’re not really committed yeah I think it helps you appreciate yeah like if I ever deep-fried Oreos I’ll appreciate them all that much more yeah because I deep-fried them and I did you guys do the pose in front a lot of creatures never get to see their creations you sell it almost yeah that’s true we did pose in front of it you try to take a filthy family selfie now when we go to places and there they’re not very good horrible we we did somebody even asked to take our picture in front of it for us and we declined we said it’s part of the fun we haven’t had a family portrait taken in four years I think oh yeah yeah since I lost weight yeah so yeah it’s been four years so oh so Hermosa does mean beautiful haha see that in Spanish class paid off I got a C in Spanish class and I knew Formosa come on you didn’t know it though I do have beautiful no you said you said I don’t know I can’t remember you guys were mine I think her mom hermana that’s brother that’s thought that was her my wife in hermano I don’t know man Hermione is a character in Harry Potter yeah yeah okay she send your up isn’t a senorita a single but maybe you can say it seen seniorita like I don’t know if it’s like can you I don’t know I can’t but she can’t roll the or roll the arse I can’t do that yeah or the in I don’t we don’t know what your the saying you up to we said too many things but so overall this car the Biggby coffee that’s what we best I think I would buy it again for sure if we saw it again we’ve been certainly over some of the stuff we’ve been drinking lately yeah but we do have several home goods purchases coming up we have a Tommy Bahama Kona blend and I know daily Kona medium and daily Kona bold I wanted to ask the audience like do you guys prefer when we do really random coffees such as things you’ve ever heard of Big B or do you like the more like Jabalia or Starbucks and Folgers and that kind of thing what do you guys prefer just let us know we’re just curious we can kind of look at the analytics and see what it seems like people like but that doesn’t necessarily mean like because we can’t see what the people who who tuned in you know all the time what they’re really watching right choices yeah yeah okay so that’s surprising to me yeah just but you want to know like what else is out there but are you know I think our most popular video is Aldi daily basics and but also then Pete’s major Dickinson’s is another performer yeah but so yeah we always look forward to hearing what you all have to say about what you’d like to see reviewed and and that not that but we try hard yeah but if you find any other coffees like this in home goods or TJ Maxx or Marshall’s or any kind of place where we maybe our traveling plans for the next week or two are from here in South Dakota to outside of Gillette Wyoming and then over to Yellowstone which we may be off the grid for a week when we get to Yellowstone at least for most of the most days yeah I might have to drive to get signal yeah but if you know of any places over that way that we could check out I know there’s a monk it’s on the northern part yeah we’re gonna be going through there we changed our plans we’re gonna go up to I forgot now Glacier National Park but we decided that Yellowstone is really where we want to hit and we’ll try to go to Glacier next year maybe when we go up to Banff and Alaska okay mm-hmm small wristers yeah yeah oh and that’s nice like dream you love drinking stuff from small Roasters man yeah they knock it out of the park compare if you compare just grocery store coffee to a small roaster there’s just I mean there’s no comparison so but then we wonder it you know is that helpful people that I guess you know hey whatever the people want whatever you guys want that’s what we’ll drink yeah all right well I think we’re gonna wrap it up because we still have other work to do we’re using this day as a catch-up day after all the traveling we’ve been doing recently we’re gonna start to slow down our traveling and seeing more things around and drinking more coffee views right now we don’t really have a view this is er view yeah it’s not too bad but not too bad but not too good right now either so it’s certainly welcome yeah we will continue to at least bring two reviews a week to you and then some of these live ones mixed in there depending on where we are we would like to make it a regular time but at this point we don’t really know I have a lot that I do every Wednesday and I don’t know I hope that I can continue to do that but as the signal gets spottier yeah we don’t know yeah well thank you a big BTP the random ones are my favorite too because I like to find new unusual things all right well thank you guys again for joining us live especially and until next time oh we didn’t do it don’t back up rittany mutton birding it so doughnut rating on this one what do you think oh I would say it bees best three and a half four think so yeah yeah cuz four would throw it up there with some of those other ones that we really enjoy drinking mm-hmm and worth checking out sure and easy to drink makes me want to try other Biggby coffee for sure yeah so three and a half on Big B best from Biggby coffee yeah all right so now natural for joining us and until next time keep grindin [/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Biggby Coffee
Roast: Medium
Price per pound: $6.65
Flavors we detected / other notes: Mellow, Smooth, Roasty
Would we buy it again? Yes
Overall rating:

    How to Buy

    Buy the whole bean coffee on Amazon using our affiliate link. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps support this show.

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