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D-Town Roasters Nicaragua Roast Coffee Review

[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] good signal oh oh but I guess it’s gonna be okay we’ll find out in a little get some Sun there everybody hi so welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews today we are coming to you live drinking some coffee that we won’t tell you if it’s fantastic or not we will later in a moment but right now we are in Hannibal Missouri that’s where Mark Twain grew up he built all these boats right behind me No he didn’t but anyway so that’s the Mississippi River right there that I’m touching with my finger it’s pretty massive it’s pretty massive but anyway today we are here to review a coffee and that coffee is d-town Roasters Nicaragua roast yes we’ve been drinking this for a couple of days hey Paul we’ve been drinking this coffee for a couple of days we picked it up from the owner themselves just hey we’d like to buy some coffee she was like fantastic I’d love to help you and so what have we thought about the coffee as our… let’s talk about other stuff first right yeah what do we think it’s 16 dollars a pound this is a micro roaster and that’s pretty much in line I think with most micro Roasters it’s gonna be about a dollar an ounce right I mean it’s pretty much what we found sometimes is even more than that yeah it can get woo really up there so it depends on who you’re buying from but these people are great d-town Roasters small roaster located in Decatur Illinois which is beautiful we were just there and hey Chris and something that I hope I don’t mess up in retelling the story but some of the beans that they get come from a cooperative of women coffee farmers who were doing kind of their own thing and they were able to join together and that way they could produce more and sell you know more quantity because if you all get in together mm-hmm so that’s a pretty neat needs story yeah it’s kind of like mission based because it was a church that was buying it so it was affiliated with the church so this is a way that this particular church now d-town roasters is not a church just to be clear right like this was just they bought the beans some of the beans now I can’t remember if it was this Nicaragua right like I said yeah but yeah so that’s a really neat story and to be able to support a mission through business well especially small farmers you know that that is really cool to me always you know I was a farm girl so it’s neat I think to see those small farmers get together right and make it in the world and so the question though is it any good because we had d-town Roasters before mm-hmm again this is a small roaster they sell it said like the local is that a child on a leash it’s not our child I think I did see him walking past but I don’t know ours are over there right not on leashes running wild yeah so d-town Roasters the one we had before was Guatemala it was really good Nicaragua and I think I actually like this better yeah it’s got a creaminess like I was telling you yesterday that what my coffee is black it’s been black for about a month now I only drink black don’t brag I’m just saying so that people know what am I tasting from the direct coffee and it’s creamy like I don’t know that I’ve experienced that with a lot of other coffees yeah and I will say I was trying to figure out which one was mine which was his cuz our mugs are exactly the same and I drank a sip of his really good I can tell that it was black but it was really good so it’s one that I could drink black but I like my half and half yeah so what else what else you getting out of this coffee I’m gonna press this button again and say okay it is I think certainly roasty kind of cocoa nutty yeah I think that I don’t know that the I get kind of all those things but I just can’t get past that it’s creamy I’m glad you’re really happy about that oh it is a smooth that maybe is the thing it’s very very smooth and I really like it yeah I just saw that child I don’t think they have a leash on them I think they were going fishing no leash just to confirm they were just going for a nice little family walk this is a neat little town we haven’t had much time to explore it but a lot of different types of people so beyond beyond that creaminess kind of nuttiness smooth smooth kind of rich too it’s really nice like it’s just so so nice to have a good coffee now we like review lots of coffees that I really like that are from the grocery store and they’re you know but there’s just something about a local roaster I’ve not found one yet that will compare at all like I just I have not found one where I thought even Pete’s which everybody knows I love Pete’s it just doesn’t compare he said if you’re drinking your coffee with sugar and cream you’re doing it wrong was that SPQR Reborn yeah milk and sugar but what about just cream well I prefer I mean if I’m doing it I’m doing it right right right it’s gonna be heavy whipping cream right but as a general rule it’s half and half yeah so we don’t have that heavy whipping cream money you put that in four cups of coffee a day I don’t think so but I really like I like I like it with cream I used to be the type of person that said one of these days I want to get to the point where I’m drinking black and you know what I like it with half and half mmm-hmm I like it I’m gonna keep it so our reviews are generally about well they’re average joe coffee reviews typically right yeah we review store-bought coffees and things like that so she’s excuse so generally the price sometimes is half well not not half mm-hmm close to half as half as much as what this costs per pound are you trying to make me do math right now I’m trying this as our youngest child is running this way I’m waiting to find out he’s gonna tell us yeah but me sorry hey this is real life just just a moment yes we’re in the middle of doing a live what okay why don’t you go play with your brother and sister I will read this comment let’s see by the way by the way did you find peets at Walmart I found some uh let’s see few bags at Walmart newer remodeled nicer area stores yes we have purchased Pete’s coffee at Walmart before right or did we only produce at Publix I don’t know that’s a good question I don’t think that we have purchased Pete’s at Walmart yeah I think one time we did get it at Target and it was a good price at Target well Targets different than Walmart there’s no website called people of Target there might be I’ll have to look I think one time I thought I want to see what what the price is at Walmart and it wasn’t there has anybody else found Peets at Walmart yeah I don’t know what we’ll have to do is check some of those our neighborhood markets oh wait so somebody did he did buy them Paul did assuming you’re a man that’s what I’m saying we yeah we haven’t yeah yeah okay we’re gonna check some of those a neighborhood markets the Walmart neighborhood markets those are pretty good those are nice I don’t know if anyone’s been into one I was impressed I thought it was really really like where shopping is a pleasure only at Walmart oh that’s right okay let’s see local fresh roasted coffee really is the best coffee yeah I agree yeah yeah pdubIV there we go but uh it is always better it is yeah but a lot of our ratings we have to review based on price when we talk about them – yeah because again average Joe it’s like you know what cuz we have to look at our actual budget – and say you know what are we gonna we drink enough coffee where that’s good chunk of change if you’re gonna be doing it all the time yeah exactly so this coffee although fantastic is not a coffee that we could buy all the time right no right now anyway until you know coffee coffee coffee becomes the biggest show on YouTube and with your help we’ll be there Subscribe! but but it’s delicious mm-hmm yeah and I love like that direct relationship you can have with a local roaster you know like that feels good I feel much better giving my money to a local business and saying I know that this will actually help your family out yeah whereas you know if you buy it at the store then I mean it does still help people because everybody’s a part of the economy and all that but it just it is a nice thing to know exactly where your money’s going yeah like we had talked about with people about the Walmart coffee we don’t know who’s making it Walmart apparently Sarah Lee use to make it years ago and then yeah well Chris also said his local Price Chopper has Pete’s I don’t know what it is that Price Chopper it sounds like a Walmart only not a not a thing maybe that’s what he calls it not saying like oh let’s see we have a Walmart local market but haven’t seen Peets see I wonder if it’s like a regional thing I only certain ones will have yeah I wonder though is that what Chris was saying he’s calling Walmart Price Chopper maybe price price roller backer that’s harder to say though yeah your Publix has never never had Peets at your Publix wow we get Pete’s like I said I think that that was aside from target Peets or well our Publix is where we got Pete’s let’s see Paul says totally with you about smaller coffee companies I’m still trying to use this live I’ve got to press this button again I think Folgers black silk should be rated higher it is a good coffee and you know it was a while ago that we had it I can’t remember how many doughnuts I would imagine we gave it four if I can remember what it tasted like but but I don’t remember offhand but we might revisit that one in one of our taste tests we want to do some blind taste tests where kayla will be the taster probably for those I’ll make the coffees and not let her know what she’s tasting and then go from there but we’d like to do that and maybe I’ll pit black silk up against some higher-end coffees higher priced ones for sure because that’s what you want to you want to know let me see there’s something else oh it’s the grocery store in Syracuse okay maybe when we make it up to New York we will check out Price Chopper I’d never like we have around where I’m from save a lot things like that which sound like are probably the same type of grocery stores as Price Chopper if it’s if that’s what they do Paul says and I answered but you may chime in she’s coming back that he thinks black silk should be rated higher I couldn’t remember what we rated it at I can’t remember what we rated it at I was thinking it must have been at least four cuz it’s so inexpensive yeah and because it wasn’t where was the one with Folgers reviews have released yet so be looking for those we did the black gold and Trailblazer so they’ll be coming out and because you’re watching live you’ll know that they’re on the way yeah those are a more expensive Folgers yeah but the black silk I think that we did like it I do remember I do remember black silk I remember being impressed with it as a Folgers like as far as when I compared there was one folders we did not like it all coffee house blend maybe yeah that one didn’t like it all the other one compared to that Folger’s you know black silk was really good mm-hmm but then what I thought was it seems like I just wanted more flavor with the Black Silk yeah you know like it was it was good especially when you compared it to the other folgers but I still wanted more mm-hmm that’s you know that’s that’s a big reason why we started this channel because we could never remember what the coffee’s tasted like that we tried so we’d go back to the same ones we knew and we’re so glad because at this point we’ve tried over a hundred oh yeah new coffee yeah and we’ve been able to share with you guys what we thought about it and I think we’ve inspired some of you guys to like try the great value coffees and stuff like that yeah let’s see so yeah he said the grocery store is in Syracuse when we go to New York we’ll have to try to find it okay yeah yeah we’re gonna do blind taste test yeah I’m sure yeah yeah if you guys have things that you want us to try any kind of ideas like hey like one thing we’ve been asked to do is like blind taste test you know this one versus that one like different you know maybe Starbucks versus great value you know all the different things like white filters versus brown filters and all different things so if you have something like that let us know and we’ll try to oblige you yeah but keep in mind that we do live in an RV full-time so we don’t have space for like four or five coffee makers yeah that’s the tricky part figuring these out is like hmm how are we gonna how are we gonna do the test and make it kind of kind of scientific obviously it’s not going to be that scientific but trying to keep everything else equal yeah we we have two of these mugs they do a really good job of keeping the coffee hot they’re lined with ceramic so it doesn’t taste like metal yeah so we think we’ll be able to you two coffees at the time at least and then maybe if we’re also doing like comparing with a french press like tournament style round robin yeah I don’t know like that way we can head-to-head everything mm-hmm I’m gonna surprise Kayla and I’m gonna pit Folgers original with some of that cat poop coffee I guess we’re not gonna buy any of that that hundred dollar a pound stuff It’s ridiculous yes Oh what is it it’s some sort of I don’t know what it’s called yeah I don’t either That’s not the kind of reviews we’re ever gonna do yeah yeah so we haven’t given a donut rating on this right I’m pretty sure we gave four to the other one oh 4 and a half yeah it’s hard welcome because it’s $16 a pound it’s hard for us to say it’s the perfect coffee I’ll just eat beans and rice for the rest of the week I know but four and a half yeah I mean to anybody out there who wants to try it and you’re and you’re in the area you may be able to contact d-town roasters to see if they’ll ship and what that costs everything they’re they’re still you know ramping up production that’s at this point they’re small and they’re you know growing they’re in some local coffee houses and stuff like that in Decatur yeah and that you can buy it in a shop in Decatur also tournesol on merchant street all right okay yeah Chris says we have a State Fair on that started today and running until Labor Day ah in New York oh we’re so far away we’re in Missouri now and heading to Hannibal, Missouri I forgot where we’re going Glacier National Park in Montana and then down to Yellowstone and then we don’t know from there where we’re gonna go it’ll be too cold I think in Syracuse by the time we get back around yeah we’re gonna keep going as long as the gas money doesn’t run out in gurnee I don’t even know where gurnee is Is that a cousin Eddie thing, yeah it’s from Christmas vacation anyway so we really really enjoy this coffee and that’s not just because we personally know the owner it’s fantastic coffee we wouldn’t have bought the second bag if we didn’t like it right yeah Kopi Luwak coffee yeah that’s the cat poop coffee it tastes like Aldi Daily basics and it cost a thousand times as much but if you have indeed tried d-town roasters coffee let us know in the comments either right now or in the replay what you thought about it or if you plan on being in central Illinois look up tournesol and Merchant Street and see if we can get some or just find d-town Roasters on Facebook Decatur, Illinois home of Lincoln’s first speech we learned that political speech and the original Chicago Bears they were not the Chicago Bears they were the Decatur whatever the guys last name was We can’t remember it was just the guys last name but anyway check em out hey we don’t want to say your name but Hi we were just near Chicago yeah but we had a great time there in central Illinois so all right we’re gonna go because our kids are over there I think they’re feeding some birds rice or something and we don’t want anything bad to happen to those birds all right well thanks everybody for joining us on the live review and we’ll see you next time and until then keep grindin [/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: D-Town Roasters
Price per pound: $16
Flavors we detected / other notes: Creamy, Nutty, Smooth, Rich
Would we buy it again? Yes
Overall rating:

Other D-Town Roasters Coffee Reviews

How to Buy

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