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Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Dark Roast Review

[spoiler title=’Click For Transcript’] hey welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews I just kind of noticed that I don’t like this chair especially for these yeah videos–they’re kind of reclined– maybe too relaxed for people– well it doesn’t even feel relaxed I feel tense I feel tense too now so to get over our tensitive-ness we are reviewing the coffee yes and what is it it is Dunkin Donuts Dunkin Dark which is their dark roast simple as that it’s so easy nothing to explain like the last one with that weird Turbo espresso shot thing–right yeah yeah but so tell us anything that you found out about Dunkin Donuts coffee or prices well first of all we should tell the price in case people don’t watch the other review I don’t remember yeah it was $6.49 for this 11 ounce bag and which comes out to nine dollars and forty four cents a pound which is you know on the higher end of things not the cheapest not the most expensive but still we got ours at Publix for that price it was like on a not buy one get one but just like it had some it was just cheaper than normal sale it was right that’s what that’s called it was called a sale yeah and here’s a fun fact about Dunkin Donuts yes they they sell 1.7 billion cups of coffee every year 1.7 billion–that’s a lot of coffee– how many donuts do they sell oh I have no idea I just was interested in that but yeah anyway founded in Quincy Massachusetts birthplace of John Quincy Adams John Adams and John Hancock interesting it’s a suburb suburb saburb of Boston I looked it up because I was curious (in Bostonian accent) Harvard it’s near Harvard Harvard Park you car in Harvard yard yeah that’s right so Dunkies–Dunkies– they don’t sell to a lot of people then they do no no no one point something billion cups of coffee yeah it’s a lot of coffee yeah but there’s 7 billion people and the people who drink coffee drink it every day that’s true but they’re having to compete with Starbucks and they sell a lot of donuts anyway I think they do a fine job but the question is this coffee because this is different than like what they’re selling in the store this is the home brew type of thing so we should try it and then we’ve been drinking it for all week tell you what we think our bags getting low so I have thoughts would you like me to go first or do you want to go first I’ll go first such a gentleman my my favorite thing about this coffee is that the bag is almost empty oh my gosh I’m so sad because I love this coffee–no way– yes I do–oh how are we going to do the table–oh no we’re going to have to make a she recommends he doesn’t recommend –it’s like this is the first never happened I just don’t really oh man I love it it’s probably just my overall mood yeah maybe I’ve been you know the hurricane and everything–yeah still trying to get back to normal–still sleeping on the floor yeah we our mattress it was ruined we had to yeah get a new one finally got it yesterday yeah Tuft and Needle but okay so what do you not like about the coffee cuz I’m stunned still I don’t know I just didn’t like it you just don’t like it well okay well just it doesn’t it wasn’t it was like ah ah I judge it’s hard for me to you know say about uh the flavor of something but I judge whether or not I like a coffee if it’s easy for me to get to the bottom of the bottom and this one is just not easy for me to get to the bottom of the mug sometimes I’m just like–I’m heartbroken–I thought this is gonna be our coffee no I think still the Fourth Avenue Fourth Street something–Bistro?– Seattle’s Best–oh that’s not my favorite no but it was one that we both–for the price–yeah it was $4.50 okay okay so here’s what I love about oh and this is rainforest certified I didn’t realize that Oh 30% of it is the rest of it is not is the devil yeah but no okay so here’s what I love about this coffee first of all I could tell an immediate difference between this coffee and the other coffee like the first day you brought it to me I was like I didn’t say it out loud because we try to keep that secret between us but it was chocolatey it was rich it was delicious buy this coffee it’s so good maybe because I’m older I and your taste buds are kind of kicking the bucket that’s what I’m saying but they’re just kind of because it just tasted kind of like blah yeah I think it’s very rich I don’t know what happened that’s funny because we have agreed on almost everything right I mean yeah but well there you go we will have to update the table with a he would buy it again she would not right and whoever controls the purse strings and you know why they call that purse strings–right–because the woman controls it would you stop it’s not true yeah so anything else to add about this subpar coffee it is delicious and you should buy it immediately it’s totally worth the money I think yeah I mean because it’s you know it’s less than ten dollars a bag so you know–a pound–I mean okay I’m sorry per pound so yeah I think it’s good yeah I recommend it no we’re gonna have to disagree on it and then make an update to the table yep so you’ll see that the table changes if you go back there and you’ll find out what we’ve done differently right and yeah yeah else about it I think that’s it okay well if you have a coffee that I like yeah or will like and thanks for your recommendations we’ve gotten several recommendations on coffee we should try like Chock-Full O’Nuts this one although we’ve tried that a long time but not since we’ve not reviewed it on here and then also there was like a Kicking Horse Coffee and there was one other one do you remember Dead Million something there’s another one but anyway thanks for the suggestions keep them coming because we definitely want to know what you guys want us to try yes and along with your suggestions–he’s going to ask you to send us coffee– yeah we offer you thanks okay okay yeah okay so find us on Facebook Instagram YouTube at Coffee Coffee Coffee Show and on our website at where you can find that table that we mentioned that has all the coffees that we have reviewed and then like an outline along with them and then we’re gonna add in that new column for he-said she-said yep there you go just pay attention to the he said she said ok good yep happy drinking that doesn’t sound right [/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Dunkin’ Donuts
Roast: Dunkin’ Dark
Price per pound: $9.44
Flavors we detected / other notes: Chocolatey, rich and delicious! (Kayla’s take). J.R. didn’t really like this coffee, but was in a bad mood that week so it may have tainted his review.
Overall rating:
Would we buy it again? Kayla’s a yes, J.R. is a no

Other Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Reviews

How to Buy

Buy this coffee on Amazon using our affiliate link. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps support this show.

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