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Is Coffee Making My Belly Go “Uh-Oh”? Grind It Out Episode 4


Coffee Consumed During Convo

Coffee: Stumptown Holler Mountain

Roast: Medium?

What we thought: Check out the full review here.

Grind It Out

Hello, J.R. and Kayla! I love your show. I was so excited to see that you posted a new video. Missed you so much! Glad to see that you’re doing well. Anyway, I work the graveyard shift (14+ hours) and drink too much coffee. I also suffer from gastrointestinal issues, which I think are being worsened by my extreme consumption of coffee. It’s known that caffeine stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and increases colonic motor activity. Since I have IBS-D, it’s possible that caffeine is speeding up the colonic transit time by attracting water to the colon, which would then cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. I know you’re not a doctor, but what do you suggest? I think I should try drinking beverages that have less caffeine, such as instant coffee or tea. I’d hate to switch to decaffeinated coffee. I know that in some cases, people are not actually sensitive to caffeine at all but to other components in coffee. The thought of eliminating coffee completely would be too difficult for me, I think. Again, tough decisions here. HELP! Thank you so much for always brightening my day when I watch one of your videos. Take care!

Where To Buy The Coffee

You can purchase the same coffee we were drinking on the video at this link: