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Seattle’s Best Post Alley Coffee Review

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Perfect. hopefully everybody can see us. perfetto

Someone is already in here. how did they even know. oh hey the hotspot.

your hotspot isnt on on your phone is it. cause it will get laggy. see how its laggy.

sorry guys if youre in here and youre waiting on a review. I dont think so i turned off my hotspot

Sorry we have to have a hotspot for our children to be able to do their school sometimes and

reconnecting. alright so were back. sorry for the delay. were next to this place right here

which is. I dont even know. we are currently in Council Bluffs Iowa which is right across the river from Omaha, Nebraska

the Missouri River. what did I say. The river. As if you guys knew. Maybe you did, but theyre good at geography.

I forgot where we were. so were at a casino parking lot. Horseshoe bluffs. We are the worst full time RVers ever.

We were totally unaware that it was labor day weekend. We have an excuse. Everybodys got an excuse.

I walked 100,000 step yesterday which was 43.2 miles for a charity to raise money for a well in Uganda.

This charity is Kinship United and they build homes for , they’re in a church, but they build homes for orphans and widows and they take

care of each other there and they need a well. so I walk 6 miles everyday normally and they have to walk six miles everyday for water.

And if they can get a well theyll have the water right there. So its a $10,000 goal and we’ve already raised $6191.77 so we’re getting

very very close and so it was very painful. You can go check out my other channel. Some of you are already over there

But now were drinking coffee. Her other channel is Six Miles To Supper. And yes we will check out Michigan at some point in time. Yes, they said it has beautiful lakes and trees.

We’ve seen pictures. But we will definitely. We think maybe next spring we’re gonna be in the midwest. We’re in the midwest right now but

were just passing through the midwest. Maybe like an eastern portion. everything is so beautiful. ive not driven through a single state yet

where I was like oh this is gross looking or just boring. it’s just beautiful. Its all beautiful. We live in a beautiful country.

but today we are reviewing Seattles Best Post Alley.

Ground coffee that we brewed in our automatic drip coffee maker. Sorry we’re both tired from yesterday, it was a lot of excursion I guess.

That we brewed from ground in our Black and decker automatic drip coffee maker.

People ask all the time what we brew in and how we make the coffee but we always forget to talk about that.

but thats what we use almost every time from ground. like when we make it here

yeah we finally got a grinder. which we love. but this one was already pre ground

she loves it more than I do because I make the coffee most of the time. So when you have to grind the beans theres a whole other thing

especially when youre in an RV youve got a very limited amount of counter top space and also you grind it and

sometimes the grounds from the freshly ground coffee are uh theyre not moist but they stick together

people hate that word. I know. but it makes a mess and its just more that you have to clean up and deal with

so most of the time Id rather just scoop it from the bag put it in the filter and make the coffee.

But I will say that it can taste a lot better when you grind. and we will have videos in the future where we will probably have the same type of

coffee where we buy it as whole bean and grind it and well buy it ground to compare the two. Blind taste test. We will see if theyre different.

Well lets get in to this review. So Seattles Best coffee post alley. Which is supposed to be smokey and intense

It is a dark roast. Smooth roasted is the guarantee. I dont know how you would know whether or not it’s been smoothly roasted

i think it means that its supposed to be smooth. They roast it to a certain smoothness.

but Seattles best coffee weve had several different bags now. there was one or two in particular. Bistro 7th, well

Well they changed the name they were using. it used to be Signature blend number 4 and then the changed the name to 6th Ave Bistro organic fair trade

They had another 6th ave bistro which was not organic fair trade and it wasnt as good as the organic fair trade 6th ave bistro.

So our review has like this weird image on the thumbnail to let you know which one was what and when it was.

Did you say hi. No i didnt. Hi themodularmodular. Hi there. I like the suit in his avatar.

But anyway that 6th ave bistro organic fair trade was good. We liked that.

And it seems like it really does or has made a difference…and I’ve never noticed a taste difference on any kind of organic stuff

Hey Chris. ive never noticed any kind of difference on the taste of organic stuff in the grocery store like organic carrots versus a regular carrot

But with coffee I swear it seems like there is a difference. We had some really good Peets organic.

Peets is always good. that one was really really good. And then that 6th ave bistro.

Like the d-town reviews we’ve done are made from organic beans but the roaster is not allowed to call them organic because

their facility has not been certified organic. So even though the beans comes from organic farms theyre not allowed to call it organic coffee

But well say it here. And thats another thing to check. if youre concerned about organic and youre trying to find local organic beans

just approach the roaster and ask do you use organic beans because they cant advertise it as such on the label.

Because a lot of small time roasters they cant, not small time but micro roasters they cant by law say this is organic

but just something to ask them. Theyre always happy to share information. I bet its expensive to get certified as an organic facility.

Yeah thats the thing its very cost prohibitive. The modularmodular asks, oh yo almost crashed us. The old type of crash not the new app crash.

He was asking what is your favorite brick and mortar type store for coffee. We dont really go to many of them

Wait no was he talking about, I have to see. What’s your favorite brick and mortar stores for good coffees.

I think what youre asking themodularmodular if we go to the grocery store what are our favorite coffees. Is that right.

And we’ll wait for that. The grinder that we have is a Mr Coffee burr grinder. It says mill burr grinder.

As little that we knew about grinders we knew that the burr grinders were better than the blade grinders because the burrs dont heat up the beans

And roast them longer. And we’ve got a really cool one, its mr coffee, did we already talk about this its got this cool reservoir and you just fill it with beans

and you just set it on how many you want and you just press the button and it will make you that exact amount.

So before we had a blade grinder a long time ago and each time you had to pour in the bean and then put on the top and it was not as convenient

and it was a blade grinder. This has been much more consistent grounds. And that one in particular has a setting on it, it’s got a dial.

Well it has two dials. It has like 18 different settings for coarsely ground to really fine grounds. On ours, we didn’t play with it. We just put it in the middle

For medium automatic drip. Probably we could adjust that on multiple different levels.

And the other dial is for the amount of tablespoons you want it to grind. Right so you’ve got that big reservoir, funnel type system that holds all those beans

and you just turn it six and you press the button and it puts out 6 tablespoons of stuff. easy peasy.

Okay yeah so he was asking about just the stores. I think right now as far as cheap coffee goes

my favorite is Great Value. I am still shocked at how good it was especially for the price. I mean but seriously

I really liked that. The espresso roast was our favorite so far. Would that be your favorite cheap cheap coffee.

Uh yeah I think so and that’s what I told someone in the comments the other day was that great value espresso

because it was only $5.17 a pound and I think if you can get it in the can you can get it for even less.

Which just to be fair we havent tried it from the can. I dont know that it would make a difference

Spider. okay gosh. So then like a medium level in the grocery store…cause in grocery stores the way Im thinking of this

Would that be your favorite. they are pretty consistent. Are you copying all my answers. no. we are just one.

So my favorite high priced coffee in the grocery is peets. and I think yours is

caribou. or peets. i don’t know I like that caribou mahogany. I love caribou too. They’re both really good.

Its almost a tie for me. And that’s really not even a high priced coffee in the grocery stores cause you can get like that italian illy

Its in a can like this big and its $9 or something. We haven’t tried that yet. Hopefully that answers the question.

So we told you about the grinder. Yeah Chris organic vegetables we don’t hardly ever buy vegetables unless theyre frozen.

We buy vegetables. if theyre frozen we buy them. yeah organic you pay a lot more for that.

And I mean we’re a family on a budget and that was something that I researched a lot back when we were farmers.

We looked into organic versus not. I did a lot of research as far as pesticide dangers and stuff like that and something that was interesting

was cancer rates, something that a lot of people were concerned about, among farmers is actually much lower than the general population

And if you were a farmer ever, you know that you get pesticides all over you when you’re spraying and stuff like that.

Its like cologne. It put my mind at ease, now I don’t know. I know people have very strong opinions about it

My point is that was something, because the yields are a lot lower on organic stuff usually. In other words, you cant get enough fruit or whatever

per acre so then

you have to charge more and that’s why the cost of organic is higher and then you also have to use a lot more land

So its not a clear but victory for organic as far as stuff being you know to me. So thats why I dont worry about buying non organic but

anyway. Right. So whole beans in Great Value coffee. we haven’t picked those up. I hadnt even noticed that.

i think we did, I cant remember which ground coffee it was, I couldn’t find it online anywhere even on

but I think that the whole bean was there. There you go. Susan, yea starbucks coffees for us are normally hit or miss but Morning Joe was one that we really liked

so you should try it. but great value is better we think. Susan and thank you so much Susan for donating, I’m gonna call you out.

So yeah starbucks, it seems like I like an occasional Starbucks, we don’t ever really go there and pay for them, but sometimes people give us gift cards

for business related stuff and so we’ll go and get them and their lattes are really good. Breve latte. the chat keeps going away here. It does that

from time to time. So. Steve is pro GMO. I say whatever brings more food, right. Yeah that was seriously a concern about organic

A statistic which said if all of a sudden all farmers said we are going to be organic a third of the world would starve.

That is how much of a difference it would make. i think that if they can start 3d printing some food so that everyone can eat that sounds good to me.

thats exciting though. there has been some major uh you know technology shifts so. Chad says that Aldi has Honduras organic whole bean.

Actually the last time I was at Aldi, I saw

the Honduras and the Peruvian whole bean coffees but we didn’t have a grinder at the time and they didn’t have it in ground.

So I couldnt get it so I’m sure next time we’re at an Aldi we’ll pick some up because I have been wanting to try it cause youre not the first person

to recommend either the honduras or peruvian coffee. So you used to drink Peets and then switched but only used it for iced coffee.

We have gotten iced coffee before lat like Dunkin Donuts before and Starbucks but we haven’t made it here.

Like the other day I was in Atlanta and I went to the uh what museum was that. The High. the high no wait, we went to the high. You were in Sarasota.

Right but that’s not the right story. Its hard when you are driving around everywhere. We were in Atlanta thats right we were in atlanta and we walked from the high

museum. very hot. hotlanta. theres a reason they call it that. and we walked from there over to a Caribou coffee

and we had never been to one before. And I ordered an iced regular coffee from there. We both did. because I have a problem.

it’s hard for me to order things that are new at new places so I tend to just follow suit or I’ll ask her what her second choice is and I’ll get that.

I don’t like change, but we live in an RV full time now so our property is different like every week.

How do we finance full time RVing? Well currently, and we have a full time RV channel called Cox Family Travels

And we talk about our budget every month and there will be a new video for that in a couple of days

but the way that we finance it currently, I was a realtor until well really I still am I still have some pending things going on now so our main

source of income up until this point has been from real estate sales but right now, we get some income from affiliate links on this channel

and Kayla’s intermittent fasting and walking channel Six Miles To Supper and then also our Cox Family Travels channel.

But additionally we both dabble in art, Kayla does blue ink pen drawings and we have those for sale on Fine Art America

you can see the links to those on Kaylas Instagram account. And Also I take photographs and I have also done some digital artwork whih you can find

on Society 6 and my photographs are on Fine Art America. And then also I am starting photography and videography, getting back into it

actually, several years ago before getting into real estate I did that. we will be traveling and we’ll be doing that for charities as just kind of a donation of

our services and time but then also for local businesses who need that. So that’s how. We are what is considered scanners. Does anyone know what that is.

So we like to do a bunch of different things so we just decided that full time RVing was something that we wanted to do

and we said were going to make it happen. We sold our house and had some equity, we were able to buy the Rv with cash

and have a little bit of saving from that but beyond that we just said were going to make it happen because its something that we want to do

So, you just drank the coffee. Ive been drinking the whole time. You know that I do that.

Hey timothy thanks for joining us. Oh hey hillbillywine101 we were watching some of your reviews earlier.

i like how you were doing the celebrity drinks. That was cool, when we saw that we remembered that it is on our idea board to do

from a long time ago, we’ve got a long list of things we want to do on this channel but that was one of the things, celebrities favorite coffees

i didnt know if i could drink a chai thin latte, i dont eve know how to order it but that was some of the drinks I found on the list.

Yes, chad were traveling the country. shes from Georgia Im from Florida but we were living in Florida for four years and we bought our house

and then a year later we decided to sell it and travel so we were in florida for 4 months

and then we left went to georgia and saw her family for two weeks from then weve just been traveling up to illinois we stayed for a little while

and then to Missouri for about a week now were here in council bluffs iowa omaha nebraska and from here well be leaving to go toward

the badlands mount rushmore ultimately hopefully to glacier national park in montana and then down into yellowstone

beyond that we don’t know what our direction is. the weather. and the weather. wildfires. All that. but that may change too. if we have opportunities for work that takes us to other places then well just go there.

We like to go where the wind blows us. Fly by the seat of our pants. hey brian.

So the coffee review, what you guys joined us for. twenty minutes in an I havent taken a sip so that may lead you to guess how I feel about the coffee

We already talked about the coffee. for those of you who just joined us. Its supposed to be smokey intense dark roast smooth roasted.

So, it’s still hot. That’s good. Did you burn your tongue. I did. These mugs are really great. Weve had them for four months or so and they keep the coffee hot for a long time

Yeah right themodularmodular I guess we didnt really talk about that we should have said oh by the way

At that time our reviews were two months ahead so if you saw those reviews from our couch and then also saw a live where we were on the road might have

been confusing. super confusing. Right. Our reviews at that point were about two months ahead and now they are about a month ahead.

We try to have some leeway there so we can …we thought about publishing them all at once but we knew we were going to be on the road

somtimes and if we were out of signal then you cant upload so we were trying to stay a little ahead but then we also added in these lives in the hopes

that we could keep you guys abreast to where we are because you may know about a local coffee shop in council bluffs and you say weve gotta

try this place. If we can we will.yeah let us know. yes cause we are traveling the country so if anyone knows a coffee we gotta try let us know

and not necessarily a coffee shop but if you know of a roaster that is in the area we might want to go by there.

Maybe do a video review. Yeah. so hillbillywine101 just had a coffee vodka at the distillery. That is interesting. Did it taste like coffee or coffee and vodka or was it

vodka made from coffee. can you explain. like vodka with coffee infused into it. vodka to me tastes like straight nail polish remover.

but everybody has their own likes. This is on the topic of wines. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. hillbillywine101 does wine reviews and Kaylas sister

has a winery, sweet acre farms winery an they have some wines that are like with rum and bourbon. there are two different ones

peach rum and apple bourbon. really good. do they call it a fortified wine. They age it in a rum barrel, the peach and whats the other one. Apple bourbon. and they have won awards for those.

Sorry about the road noise if thats loud. I think thats i-80 or something. Normally we don’t stay in casino RV campgrounds parking lot things but

it’s labor day weekend which we didn’t realize because of the 100,000 steps fundraiser I was doing which is still ongoing. please donate.

See the link in the description below to see what the fundraiser is and what all Kayla did in order to do that.

thank you thank you thank you. if you donated and if your could also share that page that would be awesome

okay now back to the review so that question is is this coffee good. we should talk about price. My paper is inside. the price is on the bag because

we got this at Home goods. I think so. No no no no no. it wasn’t home goods it was um cause we were in Georgia and that is where you bought this one

Oh my goodness. Home Goods. Was it home goods. in gainesville georgia. Gainesville georgia has a home goods now.

So it was $4.29 for the bag. 429 for a 12 oz bag. I think thats normally how cheap or how the price is for seattles best.

in the grocery store I wanna say its slightly more expensive. more like 5 something a bag maybe 6. Close to six. I feel like

at publix it was $5.99 a bag normally. yeah. We’ve got a couple of home goods purchases coming up. yeah. so if you have a home goods be on the lookout

for those. I still dont understand like where else you can buy some of the coffees we get at home goods. Theyre like if you try to look them up online

Its like okay I get that youre selling these like Paramount coffee company I still cant figure out where they actually sell them

I understand I can get them at tj max or whatever but. so this coffee..yeah he went to a winery and a distillery and a meadery today .

Yeah mead wine, honey wine. very cool. my brother in law is Greek and he is very interested in mead. I think they are actually going to make a mead soon.

If they haven’t started on it already. Anyway my sister who owns the winery just had a baby so check out their website because they do ship now to wherever youre at. There are few states that they cant ship to yet.

So the question is what kind of ….Its dusty. I feel like its dusty. okay thats not what I get at all. You have half and half. I have half and half

She we always say that you guys like do you care. That would be a great thing to put on if we had special effects, we don’t on these but on our other reviews

we could possible start doing that. okay but I have half and half in mine and Im not getting dusty. but to me it is kind of burnt tasting.

Yeah, it does say smokey. Maybe I should have said ashy. Burnt and ashy. Yeah.

But its kind of like to me its like they took it too far just a little bit too far. Its not horrible okay I’ve been sitting here drinking it.

They post roasted it. they went too far. They went beyond. They kept roasting after they shouldve stopped. I’ll go with that. then they should have thrown this bag in the alley.

No its not that bad. Its really not that bad. I would say we

Are there any good things about it. I do like a darker roast I dont like a beany taste and this does not have that

so i always gonna choose something like this. It’s an offense to the senses. Have you had this one SPQR Reborn. I guess so. Otherwise you..

Sorry the cicadas are out. I’m sure it’s annoying. We’ll try to wrap up the review then. We’re almost 30 minutes in. Tonight is sleep on the couch night

which is something we do with the kids every saturday, we get food from a restaurant watch a movie or two or three

depending on ….we think we’re going to go to Freddys steakburgers and custard tonight. Delicious. So I thought kind of dusty, you said burnt.

Maybe that’s the same thing I’m tasting burnt ashy. Like i tend to when something says smokey on the bag I tend not to like it.

it’s just a little too far for me maybe it’s exactly like they intended it to taste but I’m not a fan of it

So what’s the donut rating on this. not that I’ll be able to put them on there. yeah the brand and that is something we have noticed too

We try not to write off a whole brand based on one roast. There have been lots of brands where we don’t like a particular roast but we do.

Actually thats one of the reasons we started this channel Cause that kept happening, we were like wait do we like starbucks or

do we not. then later we would pick up a bag but we couldn’t remember which roasts. and then it would be one we didn’t like and we would

say we didn’t like starbucks and then it would be on sale and you know that whole thing

for example the seattles best 6th ave bistro organic fair trade that we mentioned earlier we really liked, caribou we love but then they have a costa rican one that we didn’t like.

oh thats right. So with Caribou we think oh Caribiou we like, but we didn’t like that one. Yeah. so what do you think are we at a 2. I would say 2 and a half.

Its not one that I am going to go buy again.. I’m just not, but. I could sit here and drink it.

well, well start to wrap this one up then. Couple of things, one if you fell lead to donate or share that information about the fund raiser that

Kayla walked 100,000 steps for yesterday, 43.2 miles in 17 hours. She walked and she did a bunch of live videos about it. its to drill a well for orphans and widows in Uganda. a specific kinship as its called. Check

out the link in the description below to find out what it is and if you feel lead to donate or share please do.

and if you want to see those videos or whatever you can go to my channel Six Miles To Supper on YouTube and you can watch

I was a hot mess at the end. That last live video that I did on August 31st I was pretty emotional. I was in a lot of pain and I was pretty emotional.

but thank you guys. and then finally we are thinking of doing a new segment on coffee coffee coffee but it will be on our Facebook

channel and it’ll be called Grind It Out. Were gonna be drinking coffee and were going to be solving conflict for people and maybe ourselves.

You know grinding it out. And the reason why we are going to do it on Facebook is ….I almost knocked over the coffee which might not have been a bad thing.

J.R. Uh they have a feature where you can bring other people in through their webcam or their smart phone camera and that way we will be able to chat

but anyway, if that is something that interests you find our page on Facebook which you can find a link in the YouTube description to our website or something

will lead you there. We should probably add that in. But anyway thank you for joining us and thank you for saying thank you

and until next time. Keep grindin.

Review Recap

Brand: Seattle’s Best
Roast: Dark
Price per pound: $5.72
Flavors we detected / other notes: Dusty, Ashy, Burnt
Would we buy it again? No
Overall rating:

Other Seattle's Best Coffee Reviews

How to Buy

Buy this coffee on Amazon using our affiliate link. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps support this show.

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