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St Thomas Roasters Linglestown Blend Coffee Review and Review

[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] Hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average joe coffee reviews. today’s coffee came with some chocolate so today we are reviewing Linglestown blend from st thomas roasters but also we’re reviewing in a way send me some joe dot com subscription service we should explain kind of what the deal is. so st thomas roasters has been in business since 2000 in the year 2000 copyright Conan O Brien people probably don’t even know who that is anymore no no Conan is super popular we knew conan from like way back from Comedy Central We were like on top of it we knew him when he was on network television before he made it big hey these youngsters that watch, they don’t know he was on NBC obviously somebody knew him on Conan, but didn’t Conan start He was a Saturday Night Live writer I don’t know what he did before that Well anyway the point is send me some joe We have a lame claim to fame Send me some joe dot com is a subscription service and they only use st thomas roasters so it’s to separate compaies that we’re talking about so we’re gonna talk about the coffee company and we’re gonna talk about the service a little bit now the subscription service is different than other subscription services that you may have heard about or used they charge you for the subscription of coffee and you receive that coffee however often like bi-weekly or monthly however you decide you can get ground or whole bean and theres a whole bunch of different blends and roasts from st thomas roasters but 3 dollars of the cost for your subscription goes to a local charity in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area and recently the charity that they did was Caitlins Smiles and what was that That was, they take craft boxes and give them to children who are terminally ill or who have life threatening diseases so that’s a really neat charity so when you use this subscription service it’s neat because you’re giving to charity yeah so that’s pretty cool that they do something like that So the coffee we can get into now like we said this is the Linglestown Blend Linglestown is the town where St thomas roasters is located and on their website and on facebook you can they’ve got this gigantic roaster that probably sits out in the front of the store so that everybody can see the roasting because it all takes place right there in that location where they roast beans every day it’s pretty neat but did you just drink some of the coffee oh Ive been drinking before we said we were gonna drink it its good yeah its really good so this one has the different beans we didn’t talk about that yes I wrote it down yeah i know so it’s got Colombian robusto right no supremo colombia supremo costa rican tarrazu and guatemala antigua antigua so that’s quite a lot of different beans but its supposed to be their most popular roast from st thomas right I think so or at least the guy who owns send me some joe dot com, Jason he said that he and his wife have been drinking this blend for years and they just love it it could be the most popular one at the place as well while we’re drinking the coffee and before we tell you our thoughts, go ahead the smell of this coffee is just amazing its just so different stuff from your local roaster is so much better than any grocery store coffee bar none it’s just better and this was roasted and sent to us within 2 days it was roasted and then we had it two days later and that’s what they do for your subscription services and everything its really quickly sent out and all that they try to keep it fresh and at the time of this recording and think its probably an ongoing promotion for the subscription if you use the code GIVEME5 you can get 5 dollars off your first subscription which currently if you do a bi weekly subscription its $20 and that gets you a pound of coffee including the which is pretty awesome so theres some behind the scenes stuff that has to happen along with that too so the coffee ah but the coffee because that’s the most important part deliciouso yeah it was such a different thing because i think like before the coffee we were drinking was great value oh great value yes so we were trying to finish up that bag and then we got sent some of this stuff and then it was just like you know we try to just each coffee of itself like we try not to think how does Great Value compare to a microroaster we try to just say is great value good in and of itself and it is especially for the price its good but this right here is some good stuff its like high quality good coffee right and we didn’t mention I don’t think but it was sent to us to review but what we tell people when we are sent a coffee to review is that if we don’t like it we won’t review it because we don’t want, typically it’s a small company that has done that in the past and we dont want to you know not that millions of people watch these but we don’t want bad word to go out from us to a small company right we can do that if its something like publix or something a big giant corporation its like you know I dont feel so bad were not gonna dent their reputation but small businesses we just say we just wont review it if we try it and we don’t like it thats how we try to keep it what’s that word unbiased unbiased yeah unbiased reviews unbiased we’re trying to keep because we don’t wanna just say hey if youll send us free coffee we’ll give you a positive review we dont do that and theres actually been some coffees that weve been sent and we have not reviewed including some very expensive coffee that we just didn’t like we just really didn’t wanna cause you know they are small businesses so but this coffee is delicious mm yeah oh we didn’t talk about the taste i dont think like the flavors so I get a lot of its like a nice roasty chocolatey I think you said nutty right yeah nutty I think its just really good just really good coffee it was one of those things the weather hasn’t been cooperating for the reviews so we kept saying we gotta get out there and review it cause the bag was getting close to empty and the weather is not necessarily cooperating now its about 1000 degrees if we were shooting this from behind us youd be abble to see through my shirt maybe so were in the shade and the sun is behind us and you can tell so if it’s a little bright behind us that’s why but we do what we can do out here in the florida sun um but yeah so donut rating for the coffee what would you say I dont know id go what would you say i think a four is fair four yeah oh yeah Id be almost a four and a half but well we take price into consideration so id say a four yeah thats true because this is Average Joe Coffee Reviews we know that most of the people who are watching this are wanting to find coffee thats good but doesnt cost a whole lot of money so we take that into consideration and this is what I would call for us a treat coffee not an every week purchase for us but some people do want to do that and then it works out well for them id say this one is a winner yeah and I really like the idea of a subscription service too then you can really you get all their coffee you know you can try a lot of different blends and all that I think it’s great so check em out and we’ll put a link GIVEME5 we’ll put that in the description below and of course on the screen so you can see it there but wherever you’re at youll be able to see that and maybe click on a link depending on where you’re watching this. well if you have ever had any st thomas roasters they look like they are highly rated on Google and Facebook so if you’ve been up in that area or if youve ordered it some other way before let us know what you thought about that coffee in the comments below and until next time keep grindin [/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: St. Thomas Roasters
Roast: Medium
Price per pound: $20 / $3 goes to charity
Flavors we detected / other notes: Nutty, Chocolate, Roasty
Would we buy it again? Yes
Overall rating:

    How to Buy

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