[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Hey! Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee! It’s time for your average Joe coffee review. Today, what are we drinking? We are drinking Sweet Water Organic Ethiopia Sidama Coffee. Here it is. The Viennese roast which is a medium dark roast. Yeah. It’s at a nice silvery aluminum foil bag. Yes. This is a local roaster, they’re out of Gainesville Florida. And so small specialty coffee it’s what we would call this. That’s right, yeah. Micro Microroaster. Micro batches. Yeah, there we go. But we’ll go over that in a second. Yeah. Before the coffee, before the coffee gets cold, right? Mmm. Smells good. And in full disclosure we have had this before we bought it last week, but we’ll tell you what we think. So overall I like the coffee. Yes. It was, the first time we drank it it was like there was a there was a taste there that I wasn’t really sure what what it was. Right? Like and we were trying to figure it out, like what is the thing, and you said, “Fruity?” Yeah I thought it was kind of fruity, but. And yeah I thought yeah I don’t know, but then the more I tasted it I thought it kind of tastes like blueberries, and even the smell of the grounds I think is really I can see it seems to me that I can smell blueberry. And then I looked it up and according to my research that is the thing that Ethiopian coffees are known for. This is like grown really in like high altitude and in shade. So apparently it lends you know some sort of fruity taste to it. Well I certainly could taste blueberry. Mm-hmm. That’s for sure. Yeah. It’s an enjoyable cup of coffee. Like we, like you said we’ve had it several times now and to me the whole way down it’s good. Like yeah you know with some coffee. All the way to the bottom of the cup. Yeah. She doesn’t mean like you taste it here, you taste it here, then you taste it in your belly. Yeah, that’s not what I was intending. All the way through the cup it tastes good. Yeah. Yeah, it’s just enjoyable the whole way through nice and complex. And so then there’s a couple of cool things about the company that roasts it. So obviously they get this coffee from Ethiopia and this is Fairtrade coffee which means that there are agreements in place with the the actual farmers who are growing this so that they will be treated fairly. There’s a lot of transparency there so it seemed pretty positive all the research I did on this company and so… It says you can go on their website and see their Fairtrade documentation that they have you just go there to swocoffee.com or sweetwaterorganiccoffee.com and then click on current coffee lots under the trading partners tab and you can find out all their current trade information. And they also, let’s see how can you get the coffee? Right, yeah. Well we got ours at a local farmers market. Mm-hmm. So that’s one way if you live down here in Florida like we do. But. Yeah. You can also order it on their website so it was actually slightly cheaper on their website I mean I don’t know about with shipping but we got ours for $13 for was that a pound? The full pound was $13 but it was a little slightly cheaper I think on the website when I checked it. So yeah. Which to get which to give you an idea, that’s more expensive than what we normally spend on coffee. So just because we normally don’t buy yeah artisan coffee. Right. But this is very good. Yeah. It’s really really good. I think it’s like 12 something on the website and so yeah I think overall I would buy it again. Would you buy it again? Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah, I think even at 13 dollars I wouldn’t buy it every week, that wouldn’t be our weekly coffee. Right. We try to find sales, but um yeah overall yes. Good cup. So if you guys ever get it, try it, or you have tried it, leave a comment below and let us know what you thought about it. And if you have any other coffees that you want us to try and review, let us know in the comments also head over to the website coffeecoffeecoffeeshow.com and you can check out other reviews we’ve done and also information about coffees that are similar to other coffees we’ve tasted and tried. Of course the more reviews we do the more of those. Yeah. The more in-depth it’ll get. Yeah. But yeah. So let us know. Okay. Later! Cheers![/spoiler]
Review Recap
Brand: Sweetwater Organic Coffee Company
Roast: Ethiopia Sidama Viennese (Medium Dark)
Price per pound: $13
Flavors we detected: Blueberry
Overall rating:
Would we buy it again? Yes