[spoiler title=’Click for video transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] hey welcome to coffee coffee coffee today I’m gonna show you how to make coffee in a regular… Read More »How To Make Coffee In A Coffee Pot
Keurig 119203 My K-Cup Reusable Coffee Filter, Gray (Updated Model)
[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript. ‘ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee. Today’s episode is a little bit different because we’re not going to be reviewing a coffee we’re going to talk about how much is coffee costing you. You know we are budget minded people and we’re always curious like how much are we really spending on this that or the other and then coffee because it can be such a wide range of pricing we were kind of curious like how much are we spending on coffee what’s the normal amount to spend and it kind of depends right on you know are you buying bagged or k-cups are you getting it through the drive-through so so we just kind of nerded out on you know taking it down to like we even measured out how much does a coffee way based on our our general scooping and all that so here are the assumptions we started out with just so that you can see you know over the course we tried to keep everything pretty even so we assumed two people because that’s the average number of people in a household that drink coffee three times per day which is also the national average and then we figured you know 30 days a month just to keep it easy math when using a rounded tablespoon which is what we generally use so we don’t level off the tablespoon but we also don’t scoop as much as we can and whatever holds on is in there it’s just you know kind of a rounded tablespoon and that equaled out to about 30 grams of coffee each time because when we you know make coffee and our coffee maker we need two six ounce you know servings for each mug so that ends up being you know twelve ounces per mug of coffee so every time we’re making coffee we’re using 30 grams of coffee so when we multiply that out we end up figuring out that we are basically buying 6 pounds of coffee per month and so but what does that mean for your overall you know price per month that you’re paying so if you’re buying the low end stuff like you know my brother-in-law just found coffee for $2.32 a pound that was a big ol can of Great Value coffee but you could even go all the way up you know in the grocery store brands like Peet’s coffee that the higher end brands or local roasters are usually about $12 a pound so you could end up paying anywhere between about $14 a month to about you know what’s that seventy-two dollars a month so that’s a pretty big variance and so you know it’s just something to be aware of if you’re buying and higher end stuff this is about what you’re paying now k-cups k-cups were pretty interesting because we don’t have one we don’t have a Keurig so we were kind of curious like what do they cost per cup and that kind of thing so the first thing to remember or to notice is that generally speaking K Cups are only about 10 grams of coffee per pod so that was a so basically you’re getting less coffee every cup you know as far as the coffee that you’re using strength-wise than you are if you’re just making your own bag from home so and so if you try to make a you know twelve ounce cup of coffee with just one pod it’s probably going to seem pretty weak but but just for the sake of argument let’s say that you only use one and it’s fine for each mug of coffee each 12 ounce mug you’re still paying like 31 cents per cup and then if you multiply that out so basically your multiplier is gonna be 180 because you know two times three times thirty days a month you’re gonna end up at around 55 to about 120 dollars oops per month and so really you would be better off like if you’re if you’re really wanting the higher quality stuff go ahead and just buy the bag and you know and you can even buy those little adapters and so you could end up using much better coffee to make the k-cups or to make to make it in the Keurig for the you know the same amount of money or even less really you so so that’s something to consider so and then lastly what about drive-throughs well depends on where you go so McDonald’s has $1 coffee which sounds pretty cheap right but if you multiply that out again you’re still gonna be spending you know a hundred and eighty dollars if you get you know both of you get coffee three times a day which not many people are doing you know drive-through coffee that often but something to keep in mind it does add up over time Starbucks on the other hand if you’re spending a you know a $1.95 for that same sized coffee that we’re talking about over here and you’re doing that with two people three times a day then that’s you know a ridiculous amount of money it’s you know it’s basically like 350 bucks for the Starbucks so so yeah so you can end up spending a really wide variety of money depending on what you buy and and how you prepare it so you know you’re really better off to go with the bag you’re always better off to go with the bag and really by a whole lot you know even with the cheapest k-cups like these 31 cent ones were like Great Value brand k-cups so all the way up to this is what we found Peet’s k-cups for so you know it’s still kind of that same variance although really you can find cheaper coffee per pound then you can find the k-cups the k-cups kind of keep it in this like kind of tight range that we found whereas bag can be really really cheap or you know all the way up to $12 pounds so anyway hope that helps we were surprised by how much you know of a variance there was especially with the k-cups so I hope you found that informative and we’ll see you next time[/spoiler] Read More »How much is your coffee habit costing you?