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Tommy Bahama Kona Blend Coffee Review

[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’] okay yeah no no it’s more visible yeah like right here it’s really pretty not so much right there anyway welcome to coffee coffee coffee your place for average Joe coffee reviews today’s coffee is a cop yeah he’s not so witty on the live version that’s not true snap it’s like the jerk Steve mark great yeah today we’re reviewing Tommy Bahama ground gourmet coffee Tommy Bahama is a clothing manufacturer but they also do coffee but really this is manufactured by for Paramount which we found we bought this one we’re at HomeGoods right yeah home goods and so we have found the Paramount coffee overall I’d say exploring they do Joe coffee all the two coffees paramount coffee yeah well they do remember they had that one for me no no it wasn’t a paramount no that was the company that went out of business oh that’s right Oh paramount did that one that we did at the beach paramount what Gannett forget was it a breakfast nook I think so I think as I said on the review that we were doing it at breakfast time I think so yeah perhaps we should go and review our stuff you can’t watch 100 sometimes but yeah so we paid $4.99 for this bag which means it’s 665 a pound which is pretty cheap yeah you know like it’s not as cheap as likes a great value no that’s a Kona blend now I would assume it says gonna blend that it actually does have Kona like from Hawaii like B’s but it doesn’t really say that on the bag but I’m thinking that by law right they couldn’t say Kona by law there’s got to be well I mean a lot of times there are different right like you can’t put a mic on there or something like that yeah I don’t well anyway so $4.99 for the bag and it’s supposed to be mild and the acidity creates the perfect blend oh mild body and so there you go so let’s take a swig mm-hmm we’re almost done with the bag so we thought it would be time to do a review mm-hmm we we are currently time is it 6:30 p.m. mountain time we are in Wyoming keyhole keyhole keyhole State Park that’s right we just got here a little bit ago and we were actually behind on our live reviews even though we did one act wall drug and we also did one yesterday we’re still behind good yeah well this this is catching us out technically it would have been tomorrow’s but I thought we haven’t had coffee oh it’s good he strikes yeah or not yeah so so I like it and I think overall I like this coffee I think it’s enjoyable mm-hmm it’s um kind of roasty I kind of the first step I took I kind of thought chocolatey not getting that as much anymore as I get into it trying to figure out what that it what that taste is cuz you know we have those there’s a couple of other coffees that were gonna review and they have a macadamia nut taste and I was trying to figure out what is the taste that I’m tasting what is the taste I’m tasting in that yeah I don’t know I think it’s it’s not like a Damian that no no but what is it let me pour some in the camera for the viewers to taste I can’t figure out what the overall [Music] there’s almost like a raisin e to me yeah did he say something about citrus it didn’t say that it said well exceda t that one’s always a tough one for me when it says the city I think but probably because of the cream that I put in mine yeah I put half and half so I think it kind of masks whenever there’s a citrusy kind of note yeah well what would you say we paid 49 for the 12 ounce bag what would you say for the oh and we brewed this in a drip coffee maker because of you inquiring minds who want to know automagically yeah we like to do that just punch the button and magically appears um I think I would be at a solid three and a half I think so too yeah if you just know you’re that cause of wind there’s no off flavors no yeah I didn’t want to drink it we were getting close to running out of it yeah sorry wind yeah fuck it I’ve been wanting to drink it more and I think we got to review this so that we can drink it yeah that’s always you can kind of always tell it’s a little tournament we always have going on multiple coffees the ones that get art that you know getting emptied the fastest or favorites obviously and so that was one that we had to hold ourselves back on so it’s been open for a week or two but yeah very good mm-hmm and that kind of said something about how quickly well how quickly do you really have to consume coffee once you open some people would be horrified that we waited yeah you know we can’t even use brown coffee well yeah but you know different yeah I mean well I won’t say that there is a taste difference I think you know you can taste that it’s fresher in the beginning but we have found sometimes you know you might not like the coffee at first give it a day or two to air out like that coffee yeah that’s happened a long time just kind of like that first day it’s just too strong or really beany then later we dislike a lot and it seems like if you just let it sit there long enough it kind of airs out it’s kind of nice so and Tommy Bahama I kind of thought when you brought this back I was like wow why like who’s gonna drink that coffee or something like you buy that yeah hey would ya so three and a half donuts on this Tommy Bahama Kona blend as you can see there if I’d move it right there yeah over Kayla’s face thank you have you ever had any of this Tommy Bahama coffee as we said it’s from paramount coffee those are typically pretty good yeah I was just gonna say let us know yeah comments below what you thought about it paramount is a neat one because it’s an employee-owned company so that’s kind of cool and then you know again we don’t know what the Kona it doesn’t say 100% Tona it actually only goes says the ingredient is coffee right with me we don’t know yeah you know I just don’t think that they could say Kona unless we can you say kind of if it’s not really from Hawaii and it’s not a Kona coffee mm-hmm I would imagine that there are regulations in place but yeah I guess we would we’ll find out if we ever certitude but we have so much stuff going on we are from or not from we are currently in State Park in Wyoming which is in Moorcroft yeah and you’re more cars there’s Denver that’s south yeah yes we actually well it probably is you know yeah right yeah well now now that other stuff for the daily Kona we have another thing and it’s called daily Kona and it is Kona coffee a coffee like it is actually legitimately from Hawaii but says and it was cheap like I think for neon bag so we did get sent some coffee from Hawaii that was 38 dollars a pound and we didn’t like it so we didn’t review it it just wasn’t to our liking no we won’t say who it was yeah because we it was a small business that sent it and we don’t if it’s if it’s something we don’t like then we won’t review it just because we feel like that’s you know you know the big boys can take it you know if Starbucks if we don’t like Starbucks they don’t care but a small business you know they might that might be the only thing on YouTube about them is our review so yeah oh yeah salmon salmon and yeah that when you say salad yeah you think you’re being all proper and it’s totally incorrect we were saying the salmon boa that we are in Wyoming and book is gonna kill us all with the cameras we’re in Wyoming we may end up around Denver we have our friend who in Thornton which is just north of Denver oh yeah so we may end up there after going somewhere do you have a question that’s not just leave it so we don’t know and then mr. Beebe yep so that does explain the sons don’t back up here yeah we sing in a home on the range on the way here I was that community’s dude with a good book and then salmon boa is in Littleton Colorado Oh which I’ve heard of Littleton and I think it was when I was doing truck dispatch around Christmas time for UPS one year yeah I was about six years ago or something like that no no baby so that was nine years ago yeah so anyway we may end up in Colorado at some point so my six-year-old is obsessed now with Colorado because we told him that then there’s mountains there and that there are snow there’s snow there and he’s just he’s talking else but Colorado I don’t even remember how long it’s been that we mentioned in passing let’s see oh the weather’s been lovely they’re a little bit windy and SPQR reborn you’re in Florida I didn’t know that that’s where we’re well we have a dog okay so yeah from Florida that’s where we sold our house and have come full-time and P dad for is from yeah so I Pete let’s see who SP cute are yeah we didn’t know what part of Florida are you from yeah oh yeah it’s nighttime see it’s weird to start to think of it that way like I have to be careful with my lives because I have a youtube lab doing my other channel and it’s at 3:00 well 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time so it’s like now I’m starting to have to subtract and so it’s getting in a different part of my day so yeah parents you’re in South Florida right we were down in Sarasota that was the closest we got to South Florida I think that’s considered Southwest Florida right above Fort Myers but we weren’t you know but we know we didn’t make it down into real South Florida and we probably will at some point yeah like we have family there so yeah well in central in Central Florida so my point is like during maybe the colder months we could you know visit family but if we want to camp there we got to make reservations ahead of time that’s it’s really really hard you want to get down there yeah um for those of you who joined us late I was gonna show you that you can’t really see it from behind us that you can see oh there we go this is like part of the lake yeah I think that guys trying to make as much as possible yeah I love dogs but that one was wet and now I kind of what that minute anyway I’ve actually never been to South Florida even though I’m a Florida native well my friend that drove down 441 as far south as we could go one night here aboard and we left just north of Orlando got on 441 and drove south just to see how far we could get in his Ford Fiesta but anyway we reviewed this Kona blend from Tommy Bahama we gave it three-and-a-half donuts if you joined us late late and I’m gonna write that down so I remember yeah paramount coffee yeah so if you try and pair Mountain coffee there you can usually find it in what like home goods is the main place that they took hungers t.j.maxx that kind of store which again is so weird to me like that they sell coffee and that you really can’t like I’ve still not seen paramount coffee anywhere else but yeah one thing that I did find is that at some of the gas stations around here they serve Caribou Coffee which oh yeah so there’s actually one in the little town here called mordioux or something like no more craft it’s like more craft yes see Pete’s yeah well probably it’s probably one of the organic yeah networking ability I made a list here that one was really good yeah the other organic women that we’ve reviewed was it French yeah that one was really good too but I think my favorite like when I think back on it for whatever now I mean it could be because we had just started full-time or being so well we were talking but it was also exciting too so that was just an exciting period of time so that might have colored my yeah liking of it but I love I love most Pete’s I don’t think there’s been a pizza that I dislike and it’s still exciting oh yeah great coffee for the keys that’s right look at that stylish you can put that on any boat salmon boa said I really enjoying mocha Java from Caribbean so are you going to the actual store or is that a balloon or yeah or are you talking about like a bland kissy where we well in Florida where we would buy caribou there were only like three blends mahogany and Costa Rican like a day like no we have in daybreak and sorry our children are like kind of it they’re in there trying to make shrimp sauce you know that Japanese Steakhouse sauce for rice so yeah so good so caribou yeah so carrot like so there was only like three different blades mahogany daybreak and the medium roast that was available in our public’s which was the the coffee I mean that was the grocery store around us that had like the best selection of Pete’s but yeah so to Sam about you’re saying that’s a great dark rose I think you’re talking about the on the day let the tiara I think you’re talking about that yeah okay yeah so you’re talking p dub you’re saying I feel so cool when I say that Peter get up for ya feed up for good unless you’ve got some IVs come on up yeah we’re not hitting we are not have like I can’t say things like I’m so jelly I just can’t do that yet it’ll be like those shoes 10 years from now yeah jellies are like the shoes yeah but people say that now like jealous but anyway so yeah they they grind their coffee really fine that is true like so it’s too fine for a prince French for us a prince France a French press and that yeah but it’s not too fine yeah nothing’s too fine for the drip coffeemaker I mean I guess it could be some things are too porous yeah yeah yeah yeah some things now that we have a grinder at least maybe now if we got some that was too coarse we can really grind it I guess but so the mocha Java is a blend that they make oh no it is a plan okay we will probably as we get further west obviously find more caribou I’m thinking yeah because I mean I can’t remember where they were founded yeah I would like to go to Caribous headquarters we know that Berkeley so we had one before and we enjoyed using it I think we thought oh we’re doing something special but see fringe fest is so to each his own yeah I think there are good points and bad points to it you know that certainly it takes more effort yeah we’re cleaning all this it can be fun too yeah people but then also your coffee is probably less dirty from your automatic jerk machine that is a big thing I will say that like drip coffeemaker there’s just no good way to really clean that thing if anyone knows of a really good way to get it all clean aside from I mean take it all over yeah like this it does get kind of bad so doesn’t like we should just buy any one can you get Black and Decker to spawn so they can send us a new copy news yeah because we’ve had that thing forever but I just I was trying the other day to get it all clean and I mean I was in there you know washed it but there’s only so much you can do ooh CLR how’s that gonna like poisonous today rinse it out probably you run it through there yeah rinse it out yeah rinse it out get out maybe they rinse it out again yeah I just feel like so what’s the word harsh or what’s that word you know harsh not hard abrasive abrasive yeah clean so I don’t know yeah all right well yeah it is did Vice say what time it is it’s a 6:45 we haven’t eaten dinner it’s go time for East Coast people yeah that’s right we normally eat dinner are we trying to eat dinner about 6:00 6:15 6:30 yeah but it’s been a fairly long day we let the kid the children to him I did yeah there’s a place in Rapid City South Dakota called a storybook playground storybook park and it has Island storybook Island and it has a castle and all these different storybook characters and they you know really neat type of Park and we got there and they closed they were closed by Labor Day weekend so we missed it by a couple of days and so then we had to go get ice cream which was not so bad it was really good if you’re ever in Rapid City go to armadillos ice cream man it was good very creative yeah very good yeah I totally did not do my intermittent fasting today osos biodegradable is roundup biodegradable put some roundup in the toilet well I guess I would have to be sprayed on your stuff that’s true yeah go onto the ground hopefully that stuff that I spray to kill bugs around the RV and around the picnic table is yeah yeah but yeah so thank you everybody for joining us on live and if you’re watching this on the replay which I’m sure people will um let us know in the comments if you tried this Kona blend by Tommy Bahama or if there are any other Tommy Bahama coffees yeah I wonder if there are we’ll have to look on Paramount’s website yeah but anyway let us know in the comments below and thanks for joining us everybody have a good night and until next time do you grindin [/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Tommy Bahama
Roast: Kona
Price per pound: $6.65
Flavors we detected / other notes: Acidic, Roasty, Smooth, Raisin
Would we buy it again? Yes
Overall rating:

Other Paramount Coffee Reviews

How to Buy

We picked ours up at Home Goods in Gainesville, Ga. It is listed on the Tommy Bahama website as being out of stock. Maybe you could find some at a TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross or something like that.


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