[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript.’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]- Hey, welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee, your place for average Joe coffee reviews. Do you know what trolls are made of? – Pumpkin spice? – And everything nice. So, what coffee are we reviewing today? – World Market Pumpkin Spice ground coffee, which is naturally and artificially flavored. It says, “Enjoy the flavors of fresh-baked pumpkin pie, “with hints of nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon.” – I wonder if there’s some Cool Whip on there. – I don’t think so, and we didn’t buy any. – Whipped cream, actually, if you wanna get it right. – Well, yeah, it’s much better than Cool Whip. But a lot of people put Cool Whip on their pumpkin pie, but we won’t judge them. – That’s because they’re lazy. – Aw, that’s not nice! You can buy whipped cream. – It’s a tradition sometimes, actually. Cool Whip is a tradition sometimes. Plus, bonus, you get the container. – Yeah, new tuppeware. – That’s right. – So, a little bit about World Market, the full title is World Market Cost Plus, or Cost Plus World Market, and it started out, you know, it’s more, I think, well-known for their furniture store. You know, they have beautiful coffee tables which I saw when I was researching this. But this, so it’s called Cost Plus World Market, which seems like an odd name, but Cost Plus, it used to be called Cost Plus 10%. Their original, you know– – Business model. – Right, was whatever their cost was, plus 10% was gonna be their profit, but they’ve abandoned that. They made a lot more than that. – Yeah, you probably wouldn’t survive on that. – Yeah, you wouldn’t. – It’s best to triple your expenses. – So anyway, the company started in San Francisco back in 1958. William Amthor was his name, and he started importing furniture, people loved it. – Did he have a big mallet? – What? – Amthor. I am Thor! – Okay. – And we got this. – We got this from our friend Jessica. She said, “I hate this coffee, “and you can have it.” – Bonus! – So, we’re really excited to try it. We have not tried it yet. – Yeah, we haven’t had it at all. – Because normally we try to, we usually try to try it several times before we, you know– – Drink it, test it, review it on the show. – There you go. And you wanna smell it again? The smell is, well, potpourri? Is that– – No, not potpourri. It does smell like pumpkin, or like pie, but it’s really strong. It’s not like, mm, pumpkin pie. – Yeah, it is. – Pumpkin pie! – Yeah, it’s pungent, we’ll say that. – So, I say we try it. Maybe we’ll be super surprised. – Yeah, it was $8.99. – That’s what the sticker says. – Yeah, maybe she got a deal. She’s always getting deals. – Now, the brewed coffee does smell like potpourri. – Did I say natural and artificial? Yeah, I said natural and artificial. – The bag, the grounds, don’t smell the same. This smells like potpourri. – So, what do you think? – I think it doesn’t taste like it smells either way. – It doesn’t, no. It’s not as strong. I was expecting it to kind of knock us over, especially, you know, we’ve been testing some fall recipes for a future video, and one of the things we’ve kinda been trying out are different pumpkin flavored, like, ways to flavor it, and so that you can flavor any coffee as pumpkin flavored, and those have been pretty strong, but this is not strong at all. – Yeah, the flavor is not strong. The smell is strong. – So, how does that happen? ‘Cause usually, you know, smell follows taste, or vice versa. – Smell follows taste? – You know, like if something smells really pungent, then it tastes really pungent, or conversely, if something tastes really pungent, you can usually smell it. I kind of came up with that phrase off the cuff. – Ah! That’s off the cuff. – Right. – But yeah, so, this coffee I would never buy again. I didn’t buy it this time. – But I will say, for, well, ’cause we don’t like flavored coffees, but this was less flavored tasting, I think it’s not offensive. I wouldn’t pay $9.00 for this. – Yeah, it’s not offensive. It is drinkable. – Yeah, someone serves it to us at their house. If Jessica had served us this at her house, we wouldn’t have thrown it in her face. – No, especially if there was some whiskey in it. But, one thing that you could do is if you didn’t have any potpourri but you did have this, just brew– – Sprinkle it. – Oh, I was gonna say brew it, ’cause brewing it smells like potpourri, and the other one doesn’t. – Or just sprinkle some in a potpourri pot. – That’s true. – Is that a thing? – What’s that you got there? – Little satchel. Or what is it called? – Yeah, they put them in those bags– – What’s it called? Satchels? No, but it sounds like satchel. Sachet! – Scent sack. – No. – Scent sack. Scent sack. That’s what it’s called. But, you know, what people used to do, and maybe they still do if they live in a cabin or something, is they put the scent sacks inside of the return for the air conditioner, and then it pulls the air, and it sends that scent from the scent sack around the house. – I don’t think people do that. – I’ve seen it done, but that was years ago, like back when potpourri was a thing. – I think it’s still a thing. – It should stop. – Well, I think, probably that does it for this review. – So, if you’d like to find out about other reviews of normal coffees, or even other flavored coffees, we have those playlists available on YouTube, and you can check them out. Sorry, the coffee gave me a little bit of a hiccup. And head on over to our website, which is called coffeecoffeecoffeeshow.com, and check out our reviews there at The Coffee Table, see what things cost, and where we got them, and what kind of qualifications they have and all that, and follow us on our social media places. – Also, if you have tried this coffee, or any of World Market’s coffees, let us know, is it good? I mean, I think, based on this, it might be pretty good coffee overall. – Yeah, the non-flavored stuff we might actually go for it. – Might enjoy it, yeah. – All right, until next time. – Keep grindin’! – [Man] Hey, thanks for watching our reviews. Please be sure to subscribe and check out our other reviews here.[/spoiler]
Review Recap
Brand: World Market
Roast: Pumpkin Spice
Price per pound: $12
Flavors we detected / other notes: Pumpkin spice, not very strong, even though the smell is very strong, not offensive
Overall rating:
Would we buy it again? No
How to Buy
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Music: “Too Cool” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License