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Eight O’Clock African Plains Coffee Review

[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee this is the place for your average Joe coffee reviews right? Right. Yeah. Average. Yes. Joe. But is today’s Joe average? We’ll find out. But what are we trying today? Today is 8 o’clock coffee. It’s the African plains light, floral and well balanced ground coffee that we picked up at Winn-Dixie. Right. Which is a grocery store in the South. Maybe other places too, I don’t really know. I have no idea. Does it really matter? I don’t remember them being out in California. That’s true. It’s a southern thing. See we’re sophisticated. We lived in California. You’re gonna spill that on yourself. I am. Alright so we’re going to give this a try. It’s African Plains it’s from Ethiopia. We’ll see how it compares to the other Ethiopian coffee that we have reviewed to this date. Right. I’ve already tasted a sip because I was afraid I was going to spill it on myself. Just a sip. We’ve had it before. Well we wanted to give it a like a fair shake because we we just finished that bag of really good stuff from Sweetwater Organic Coffee Roasters. So here we go. So we’ve been drinking it and and the thing is right you might think why don’t you drink it for the first time right then? You don’t really taste everything that first time sometimes you have to go through a thing and you don’t want to sit here for 20 minutes watching us drink a whole cup of coffee. The would be so boring. That would be almost as boring as this first three minutes has been. What we found is that it doesn’t have the blueberry flavor that the Sweetwater Organic’s has and that this bag says that it has. Yeah I couldn’t even smell it. Tangy citrus flavors and subtle hints of blueberry. No. I’m not picking up any blueberry. Yeah. Not like the other one which we accidentally picked up. Yeah. Now this one. Did you use.. How did you brew it? Did you do the one or the two? Spoonfuls. Now the bag calls for one to two tablespoons of grounds. On this, I did one. Tablespoon. It’s a little better with two. Yeah but you know like when we first started drinking it I wasn’t that like I really disliked it actually and then we switched over to doing two spoonfuls and that helped. Yeah it made it better and then now that this just has the one I feel like I’m more used to it and so it’s like I’m used to it now certainly a step down from the more specialty coffee. Right. It’s not horrible but price-wise it’s not much of a step down. Now from Sweetwater Organic’s that’s $13 a pound this even though we got this one buy one get one free the regular price is $10 a pound. Yeah. So you know I our current favorite coffee is only $11 a pound so we go with that one which is Lavazza Gran Selezionne. It’s good chocolaty Italian coffee, but this is it’s okay if you do for us the two tablespoonfuls full. Yeah and even with the one I would say now like I wouldn’t be horribly disappointed. It’s not like the Publix was. No no better than Publix. This is. I was just thinking about this. Eight O’ Clock Coffee was really the first kind of like treat coffee we bought ourselves. Like we were drinking Folger’s a long like a long time ago and it was like well let’s try Eight O’Clock or like maybe your mom had bought it and then it became like a treat and now that’s kind of like ehh. Because we’ve had other ones. Yeah That we think are better tasting. So as you try other coffees you may find things like that you really do start to notice differences. But I really want to like the cheaper stuff because I’m a cheapskate so. Yeah. I want to. That’s that’s one of the purposes of these reviews is to find what’s going to taste good for us that costs the least instead of well we like this one. Yeah but if we try a bunch then we’ll find out for sure what do we really prefer and what does that cost us. Yeah so overall would we buy this particular roast again? Nah. Not at that price. No. I don’t even know. I don’t think I would I mean not not this blend. Right. It’s a light blend. Yeah now if I’m at the store and I’m looking for a coffee and there’s the choice of the buy one get one free with this or the Publix brand I’ll get this one. Yeah. For sure. Over Publix. Yeah yeah. Alright so if you have any questions about and you want more details about that review or if you want to watch the video again on our website. You can go to if you’re just tired of looking at YouTube cuz you’re going down the rabbit hole of cat videos or the pop-tart cat. Nyan Cat. Nyan? Or also on our website there is a chart which we cleverly call the coffee table and it has and it has a list of all the coffees that we have reviewed and it talks about the price per pound the flavor the origin and whether or not the coffee is Rain Forest Alliance approved or Fair Trade Association.. Right. Approved. So you can find that all on our website again at Good? Yeah. All right have a wonderful wonderful day.[/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Eight O’Clock
Roast: African Plains (Mild)
Price per pound: $10
Flavors we detected / other notes: Weak, no blueberry, no citrus, bland. Using 2 Tablespoons per cup helps
Overall rating: 
Would we buy it again? No

Other Eight O'Clock Coffee Reviews

How to buy

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