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Eight O’Clock 100% Colombian Peaks Coffee Review

[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Hey welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee. This is your place for average Joe coffee reviews and today we are reviewing what? This. This. Eight O’Clock 100% Colombian Peaks ground coffee. Medium roast. 100% Colombian. 100% Arabica coffee. We’re still not quite sure what that is. Right. We’re pretty sure Arabica refers to beans. We’ll make video on that once we find out and let you guys know. The type of beans and then of course Colombia is the location. So this comes from Colombia and according to the packaging is a medium roast and it’s got it’s supposed to be a rich winey and full-bodied flavor. I whined a bit. When we drank this. But oh well let’s go and drink it because I need I need a refresher we have been drinking Gevalia before this so. There will be a review on it. Right. there will be but that’s forth coming so let’s try it. hmm. Here we go. Medium roast. Bottom of the mug to you. So I think overall it’s pretty good like it’s not my favorite anymore. Right. It used to be like really high up on the list. Is it winey? I don’t. It depends on what wine you’re drinking I guess. I don’t get the wine one. Rich? Richer than a lot of other ones that we’ve tried. Full bodied? I’m not sure what that means. Yeah yeah but I don’t know that I would say that. But rich? I think it’s got a rich rich kind of flavor. it’s an enjoyable cup. I mean I if I found it on sale would we buy it again? I think this one maybe the Colombian yeah perhaps. And this one says one to two tablespoons per six fluid ounces. Right. it is one right now because if you do two obviously you’re paying double. For the same cup of coffee. Yeah yeah and this was on sale for $6.99? $5.99 No no no. That was for something else. This was $6.99. For twelve ounces. Oh no 11 ounces. See that’s something we have really noticed is you you may think you’re getting a 12 ounce bag and you’re only getting a 10 ounce or 11 ounce or so you have to pay attention to that. Where as is the more expensive coffee that we bought it was a whole pound which is a lot more so you have to be careful with your math. But it was still more per pound and on our website at go to the Coffee Table and you can see all the coffees that we have reviewed, the price per pound to make it easy for you to know which one is the price per pound instead of trying to do the math about ounces and everything. And then also other information about them like this one is Rainforest Alliance certified but did you read it was fifty percent certified. So 50% of these grounds come from the certified coffee and then fifty percent is not so I guess they I guess is probably if I had to guess more expensive to get it certified there’ to keep the cost down and to be able to put this label on there they put you know fifty percent certified in the rest so I mean you know does that mean anything? Rainforest Alliance certified? Right. I mean it sounds good. It’s probably on farms that well it says 50 percent of the coffee was grown on Rainforest Alliance certified farms. So there you go. Which means probably they recycle their water for irrigation and stuff like that. Yeah. That would be my guess, but there will be a video on that. Yeah. It’s not live yet. Look for it later. So anything else you want to say about it? Is there a there’s no real flavor that I can say like you know we’ve talked about ones that have a blueberry flavor or bean but this just kind of it just says coffee. Yeah. I think that’s what I think. There’s not like a yeah not a chocolatey.. really not a yeah it’s just. I don’t know about wine. Just it’s a cup of coffee. Yeah. All right? Well if you have any other coffees you’d like us to review let us know in the comments below or contact us on our website or Instagram page coffee coffee coffee show all right thanks bye.[/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Eight O’Clock
Roast: 100% Colombian Peaks
Price per pound: $10
Flavors we detected / other notes: Rich, not winey, just a coffee taste
Overall rating: 
Would we buy it again? Yes, if it was on sale

Other Eight O'Clock Coffee Reviews

How to Buy

Buy this coffee on Amazon using our affiliate link. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and it helps support this show.

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2 thoughts on “Eight O’Clock 100% Colombian Peaks Coffee Review”

  1. I like Eight O’Clock for the value/quality factor. I get regular from Walmart for about $4 for a 12 oz bag I believe, and I also like the flavored variety (hazelnut is my favorite). Do you ever drink flavored coffee?

    Also, I think it would be fun if you could somehow do some taste tests to compare inexpensive vs. expensive and see if you can tell which is which.

    1. We don’t drink flavored coffee usually, but we’re definitely up for trying some. This video is our most watched one, so apparently people are curious about 8 O’Clock. We definitely have some plans for some blind taste testing of expensive vs. cheap. Should be interesting.

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