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Publix Dark Roast Coffee Review


[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Hey! Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee your average Joe coffee reviews. Where we’re average but sometimes the Joe is too. But some of its good and some of it’s less than average. But we’ll find out today. Right. What we’re reviewing and what do we think of it? Right so today we have Publix premium ground dark roast coffee. It’s a pretty bag. Yeah. Yeah, is it Arabica? I think it’s probably Arabica. Yeah, Arabica coffee. Yes and so it’s a dark roast obviously. It’s very uh. The packaging’s nice. Mm-hmm. Looks intense. Right. And royal. So I’m expecting a bold flavor. We shall see. We’ve never tasted this before. Yeah never. This is the first time so we’ll see. Okay. Bottom’s up. Well, sniffers up. Oh yeah, smell it first. I just don’t get much of a, like I can’t really smell. Do you smell anything? I smell something. Alright well time to drink. It’s not bad. I’m gonna have to drink more of this because the first time we had Publix coffee like the other brand that we did like it tasted at first and then as you get further into the cup it’s just kind of really beany but Yeah, like it’s just not very, it’s not bold. Certainly I wouldn’t say. Would you say? I like it better than the house blend. I think because there’s less flavor. Right? Oh, oh, yeah that beany. It’s coming back? That beany taste is start yet it’s like it’s weird like halfway into the cup it’s like what is that taste and then it just gets more and more pronounced over time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah so overall uh this it’s not as bad to me. So far. Yeah, than the other brand. Yeah the house blend for Publix was more bean like. So this is an improvement. Yeah sorry, this bag we bought buy one get one free, so we got one house blend and one dark roast at that price it was four dollars a bag. Yeah. The original regular price is eight dollars a bag which is too much for a 12-ounce bag. Yeah you can get a twelve ounce bag of something better for eight dollars for sure and then even at four dollars a bag it’s you know I think I might buy a $4 big canister of Folgers or something. Why would you do that? Well I don’t want to buy that anyway. But I mean yeah if I’m gonna spend $4 might as well get more coffee, I mean it’s gonna taste, just kind of , yeah. So would we buy it again? No. But Publix is a good company otherwise, but you know they got some good grocery stores. But that’s what they’re in the business to do sell groceries not necessarily produce coffee but I guess they have to have a store brand just the kind of people are gonna buy it so they’ll make money on it but it’s subpar in our opinion to the stuff that we normally drink and even other coffees of the same price for sure. Right. It’s not as good. Right, yeah I agree. Alright, well join us next time for more coffee reviews if you’ve tried this coffee and you like it or don’t like it or whatever put a comment below and let us know and if you know of any other coffees that you’d like for us to try let us know in the comments and we’ll be sure to check them out see we can do. See ya later. Bye![/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Publix
Roast: Dark
Price per pound: $11
Flavors we detected / other notes: Weak, beany
Overall rating: 
Would we buy it again? No

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