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Publix Premium House Blend Coffee Review


[spoiler title=’Click to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Hey! Welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee, your average Joe coffee review location destination. Right? So, Kayla, what are we tasting today? Today we are tasting Publix brand, the premium Publix brand, ground House Blend. House Blend. The House blend. Yes, there we go. It’s Arabica. Right? Yes. And so without further ado. 12 ounce bag. Everybody knows Publix. Yeah. There’s a plethora here in Florida. So, here we go. Yeah, the smell. You know, the smell, usually, that’s one of the most enjoyable parts of coffee to me. Yeah. Is the smell, and this one’s just…It kinda smells like wet cardboard. Yeah. A little bit right? Yeah. Yeah, actually that’s a good way. So okay, taste. And you know. We’ve tasted this one before. This isn’t just like the first time we’ve tasted it. And the first time we really tasted it was when we were eating breakfast. Right? Yeah. And actually…It was a salty breakfast, so it was like, tater tots and bacon, eggs. Turkey bacon. Turkey bacon and eggs. So it was a salty breakfast. And we both thought. Yeah, pretty good. Yeah, I didn’t have really have any complaints. It was just kind of, because I think the breakfast was so strongly flavored, the coffee was just this kind of, I just didn’t taste the coffee very much. It seemed enjoyable. However. Then we had a second cup. Right. After breakfast. Right. We normally have 3 cups every day. So the second cup though, it was just…It got…It didn’t taste good. Right. On its own. And then. As you went down the mug, it got worse. We determined that the taste is like, bean. Yeah, beany. Like a navy bean, type. Yeah. Yeah. That’s why I’m not drinking anymore. There are coffees that have like a, there are different things you can pick up on, and one of the things that we both picked up on was this beany. So it doesn’t mean that this is a bad cup of coffee, it just means that it is beany tasting. If you like bean flavored coffee, then yes. Yeah. And some people do! Yeah. So, let’s see. So, the company is Publix. We all know Publix grocery stores, and so they’re not in the coffee making business. No. They’re just kind of, “We’re gonna have this on the shelf for somebody who wants a lower priced something.” But, it was, I bought it buy one get one free. So it ended up being $4 a bag. So it’s normally $8 a bag, which is expensive. Yeah, that’s a lot of money to spend on some coffee. You can buy a better quality coffee for $8 a bag. Oh sure. Lavazza. Hello? Yeah. Easily. Yeah. So, even for $4 a bag, would I buy it again? Nah. I don’t think so. Publix is a good company, they make some good stuff, but. And to be fair, it might just be this blend, that we don’t like. That’s true. It’s I think more of a medium blend, and I tend to like dark, but. We do have a dark roast that we’ll review, if you haven’t seen that already. Look for it. So yeah. This one? Pass. Yeah pass. Yeah, not necessarily a thumbs down. For us, it’s a pass. But if you like bean flavored coffee, this is the one to pick up. Until next time. Alright, see you later. Happy drinking.[/spoiler]

Review Recap

Brand: Publix

Roast: House Blend

Price per pound: $11

Flavors we detected: Beany

Overall rating: 

Would we buy it again? No

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