[spoiler title=’Click here to read the transcript’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]Hey welcome to Coffee Coffee Coffee, your place for average Joe coffee reviews. So Kayla vut are ve reviewing todaysins? Ve are reviewing Gevalia Kaffe Majestic Roast. What happened to your accent? I’m sorry. I’m not very good with the Swedish Accent. I thought you from Sweden. You’re not from Sweden? I’m not. Bork. Bork. Bork. Which I’ve already done in the other review. Okay so we are looking at the Majestic Roast. Yeah okay this is a bold and not even dark so it’s darker it’s bolder than the dark ground coffee roast from Gevalia. Bold. Right. Powerful. So, they make it in Sweden. They’ve been making coffee for 150 years. Now it’s not grown in Sweden. No. It doesn’t really say where it’s grown. When did they make this bag? We don’t know. I uh best before March of next year. Oh all right it promises that it’s never bitter and it’s supposed to have a bold earthy flavor. So there we go. So I guess we’ll find out which plant it tastes like. Now let’s smell test for me. Like. It’s got a really good smell like not all coffee does. Not like some of the cheaper stuff it’s like yuk. Yeah. But this is good and price wise this was? $5.99. So and that one you can smell when it’s brewing right? Yeah yeah yeah you actually do get a whiff of it like right now though like I don’t really smell it in the cup. No so some coffees you can smell in the cup. This is not one of those. That’s true. You ready to try it? Yes. Alright here we go. Bottoms up. You tried it before I did. Yeah and we we always try these several times before the actual review. As we’ve explained before we like to get through a whole cup that way yeah we could really tell you what it tastes like all the way through. Yeah yeah just like with the Coke and Pepsi thing. People prefer the taste of Pepsi if you only take one sip. that we’ll know that’s how they did the.. There was a long time ago, there was like a big taste test and it came out that like Pepsi was the one that people preferred but really it’s about drinking the whole can. By and large people love Coca Cola if you drink the whole can but on a one sip it’s Pepsi. So. Pepsi is too sweet. Yeah, I like Pepsi. But anyway. The point is it’s good to drink a whole cup I think. That’s our own I mean we’re not professionals but yeah. Or three or four. Or like a bag. Don’t professionals use a spoon? I don’t know. We’re not… Kill us if we ever become like that. We’re snobs or anything. Yeah I don’t know how they do that taste testing with a spoonful. Yeah I think I do taste like a chocolaty-ness in this one. Yeah. And it’s kind of bitter I think I mean just a little bit. It’s not horrible but I get a little bit of bitterness. It’s probably our coffee maker. It’s Well, we just cleaned our coffeemaker. That’s true. I would say it’s bold ish. I don’t know. This Oh like bold. Bold Yeah like I don’t know. What do you think? Yeah I mean I don’t feel like it’s gonna jump up and fight me. No. It’s not that bold. But it’s also not the richest flavor I’ve ever tasted in the world. Like…but it’s a solid cup of coffee or liquid. It’s not solid. Well I think that’s enough of this coffee review. Is that good? Yeah what else is in your coffee? Oh would we buy it again? Absolutely. I think so. Uh oh. Dissension in the ranks. Well when you compare this with the house blend…Sorry We’re getting abducted by aliens. That was our Bluetooth speaker. Yeah. When when you compare it to the other Gevalia House Blend that we tasted, we both liked it. I like it better. If that one wasn’t on sale and this one was, then I’d get this one. Yeah it was good. So yeah overall Gevalia is proving to be a solid buy. Yes yeah so if you have any other coffees that you’d like us to try or you’d like to mail us some to try, contact us on YouTube Facebook. LinkedIn. Instagram. Just kidding. Not LinkedIn. Who uses that? Hey, I’d like to connect with you. Facebook YouTube Instagram. There you go. And and let us know and we’ll give you our mailing address and you can send us some coffee to review. Yeah. Or come have coffee with us. No. We don’t know who you are. Until next time. Later. Cheers.[/spoiler]
Review Recap
Brand: Gevalia
Roast: Bold Majestic
Price per pound: $8
Flavors we detected / other notes: Chocolate, bitter, bold-ish,
Overall rating:
Would we buy it again? Yes
Other Gevalia Coffee Reviews
- Gevalia Traditional Coffee Review
- Gevalia Special Reserve Guatemala Coffee Review
- Gevalia Special Reserve Papua New Guinea Coffee Review
- Gevalia Dark Gold Coffee Review
- Gevalia Kaffe Espresso Roast Coffee Review
- Gevalia Colombia Coffee Review
- Gevalia Special Reserve Single Origin Source Kenya Coffee Review
- Gevalia House Blend Coffee Review
How to Buy
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